End :(

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2 years later

Marina and Sammy both moved to Cali. They didn't know until one day fate brung them together, just like marina said. Marina became a model,Sam a rapper and a producer and also inernet famous like he is now.


I sat down at the lonely Starbucks table with my tea and cake, looking like a lonely girl with no friends, by herself.

"Is this seat taken?" I heard a familiar voice say.

I looked at him with bright eyes. A smile appeard on her face.

"Just like you said." He said also smiling. I was grateful for this moment. Knowing I was done such a favor to see him again made me more grateful then ever before.


Marina had realized that everything was not about her. People eventually found out about her book and eventually learned to forget and forgive.
She was 19, living in her own and learning responsibilities. Sam made her realize that things had outcomes and certain measurements. Not just being about herself, but knowing everyone else struggles to.
1 year later.


"Well, you have to find out for yourself, marina." Sammy said still driving.

He handed me a box with 100 boxes around it, making me open up more from curiousness. Once i got to the 10th box he stopped the car.

"What are you doing?"

"Keep opening them." He said getting out a making his way to my side and opened the door. I was at the second box and he was smiling frantically. The box was small, and I closed my eyes and opened it. It was completely empty, making me confused as hell.

"Do you know how tired my fingers are now? They feel-" he cut me off my placing a hand over my mouth and making me shut up. He lead me out the car to a forest, it was beautiful. Kind of like when he took me to that cave.

We stopped in the middle of the forest,the box still in his hand.

He bent down on one knee. This was really ackward for me.

He took the bottom of the box out, reaveling a Diamond ring.

It was in the shape of a heart, and it had little diamonds around it with a smaller heart in the middle of the big one. It was beautiful.

"Marina gelina light, will you marry me?"

(Yes nigga, ok sry I ruin everything. Hide yo husbands hide yo kids.)

I nodded as a tears rolled down my face,a a he slipped the ring on my finger. I gave him a never ending hug.

We walked around the lovely forest, fascinatinatment filled out bodies, going deeper and deeper into the forest.

"Speaking of suprises, my period is 1 month late." (I don't put the smut in the story :// sry)

We stopped walking, I looked at his face. it was emotionaless, almost to the fade of white.


It's the end of the book. Amy got married to chicken boy and had babies lol. Benjamin and Debra hitting it off lmao. Her dad is a wealthy pencil maker. LOL. marina and sam had a baby boy obviously. And yah, I have to go finish whore now. YALLSHOULD check it outtttttttt. Love u guys.

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