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"You were practically begging me to fuck you yesterday!" He said as I hopped off of him.

"Um, the fuck so what. Why do you have to be a dick about it?" I slipped my leather jacket on and my shoes.

"Why do you have to be stuck up about it?" He followed me as I countinued to leave the house.

"Is this what you wanted me to come over for? I'm pretty sure you have some wack booty call 'praticlly begging you' you fuck her stupid ass bitch." I walked out into the pouring rain and got in my car.

How could I be so unbelivably stupid?

(A/n HA this bitch)


"Miss, you have to get up." Debra said dusting off my dresser.

"Why?" I sighed and rolled over.

"You have to go to school. Why are you so gloomy today?"Debra put her hands on her hips.

I rolled over and faced her. "What would you do if someone threatens your life because of a boy?"

"I would beat the shit out of them." (Maid goals)

I sighed and looked at the ceiling.

She took out her broom and brushed the pretty golden wood on my floor, collecting dust and sweeping it into the dust pan.

I sat up and ruffled my hair.

"Thank you Debra" I hugged her and went to the bathroom.
Sometimes I feel that I'm not giving Debra enough credit, it mean it your job to clean but, what would you do if you had to clean everyday?

I got in the shower and washed myself with normal soap. I washed my hair with lavender and rinsed it out, hopping put the shower and applying lotion. I picked out my undergarments a slipped them on, applying a clean towel around me after. I walked into my room and picked out a long pencil dress with a green suede sweater. I put my hair in a bun and put sneakers on.

"Oh, wait miss." Debra placed her hand on my shoulder before I was getting ready to leave.

"Mister light has something important to tell you tommarow at 8:00 sharp."
I nodded my head and left out the house, climbing into the limo.
It was probably some unneeded bullshit about not being able to come home for a week. I rolled my eyes at the thought and countinued my day.



'Im so sorry.'

'Pls don't ignore me again.'

I laughed at the text he send me and slipped my phone in my purse, not caring and went to science class. I doubt that he's even here today, I didn't see him with his 'squad' or whatever.
I didn't want to see him anyway.

"Ok so, Sammy's not here today, neither is Amy's partner Ethan."

I sighed as the teacher brung Amy over to my table..

"You to will be working on a temporary project until whenever Sammy and Ethan get back. And blah blah blah blah." Amy looked witty and snoby, like me at the time. He told us to mix the non-explosive mixtures in the case we we're given and make a name for them.

"This should be easy, right?" Amy fakely said while the teacher was standing there smiling. "Totally." I rolled my eyes and took random mixtures out.

I took the pottasiom acetone out, knowing exactly what to do with it.

"I'm going to get some more gloves, don't be a dumbass and do anything dumb." She said flipping her hair. My deviousness took control of me and opened her Vitton purse, pouring the substance in it. In 2 minutes it'll make the bottom of her purse, turn in to white acrylic dust and gel.

"Ok so I'm doing it, not you. Go sit down somewhere."

I did as told and just smiled frantictilly.

The bell went of and Amy put the substance back into the clear case, placing it on the shelf like it was before. She raised an eyebrow and picked her purse off the table, letting pads, makeup, and condoms fall out.

I smirked as she started crying, the whole class standing there laughing as I stepped over her junk that fell on the floor, walking out the room.


I got in the limo in a happy mood, still proud of my work earlier.

"You seem happy miss"

"I am Benjamin." I smiled proudly. Her face was absoulty priceless.

Soon he dropped me of at my house, I handed him a 20 dollar tip.

"Goodbye and thank you miss." He nodded slowly.

I unlocked my door and surprisingly, my dad was there.

"Hi sweety" he said hugging me.

"I heard you were going to tell me something tommarow?"

He turned around, still drink in hand.

"Well yea, but I'm gonna save that for tommarow." He sat on the couch and turned the television on.

I sat with him and watched 'hardball'. The man on there was so rude. Why is he yelling?

"What I have to tell you tommarow is a big deal." My dad said making me more nervous.

"Does it have some thing to to with your job?"

"Yes princess." I sighed. I got up and went to my room, rolling my eyes and plopped down onto the bed.

He acts like I'm not even here and just throws money at me to show his 'love' or whatever you call it. My bed felt, weird. Like something wasn't right.

I got up and lifted the bed up, only to scare the shit out myself.



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