E i g h t

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I was still lately laying in bed, my usaual saterday mornings. Who even gets up at 6? I still had my phone in hand from falling alseep with it.

'9:30 am'

'2 messages from worst enemie do not answer! '

'U left ur purse, I can bring it to you if you want'
Sent at 8:00 am.

I didn't want to answer, I wanted this all to end, keep the purse. I wanted to ignore him forever instead off adding on it, drunk feelings are drunk feelings, nothing more.

"Debra! Debra!" I shouted with a pouty face.
"Yes miss?"

"Is daddy home?" I asked hopingly.

"No miss, no words were spoken to me."

I sighed and got out my bed, feeling that trembling feeling rush though my legs.

I decided I was going to eat the whole fridge. I was hungry af.

"Would you like me to call mister cox down to fix you something to eat miss?" Debra asked willingly

"No, thank you though." I grabbed and hand ful of what seemed to be a mixture of,a sandwhich,chips,pudding,yesterday's macaroni, and some kiwi.

Debra just looked at me as I carried it to my room. "What? Can't a girl eat?" I shrugged and countinued to my room, placing all the food on my bed.

I wanted to watch the fosters serious all over again since I was confused a hell when season 3 came out, netflix here I come.


I was currently on the 5th episode of the second season, which meant it was probably 9:00 pm.

I got up and cut the tv off, checking my phone once more.

'9:21 pm.'

'2 new messages from worst enemie do not answer!'

'Hey I wanna stop by, is that okay?'

'Im on my way.'
Sent 9:15 pm

I sighed knowing he probably wouldn't find his way to my house, it is secured by gaurds anyhow.

I got up and went into the living room, stepping foot by foot onto the cold wood.

I spotted a bottle of, I. Guessing alcohol on the counter. I smelt it, it smelt... Pretty good. Who wouldn't decide to taste it? I took a sip from the green bottle, tasting a mixure of sparkly fizzy grape swim down my though, almost like it was racing. It felt good, kinda like when I was at the party. I tooka gulp, and another, and maybe 5 more. I don't know what that was, but it was a helluva drink.

I connected eyes to the radio on the counter, turning it on.

boy you know that im leavin
but I just got nowhere to go
and i'm passed out here
on the bedroom floor and you know

I still remember all the times
bitter and tender
you dont wanna deal with me
i'm still here and I shouldnt be
i'm still here

what you want
whatta you want me to do

so indecisive like me
i can be anything that you want me to be
lock me up yeah you got the key
lock me up

how can you still deny these feelings
I cannot retire
im holding on with my fingertips
all night long on a one way trip
all night long
<what you want. Sheer mag>

I was kinda feelin this song.the beat made me feel a certain type of way. I usally listened to the alternative station becuase they had good songs and not just songs that talked about sex.


The doorbell went off , so did my brain.


I rang the door bell once, knowing she was there because loud music was playing, I luckily was grateful to get past the gaurds, they thought I was some type of "milk man".

She opened the door, still in her pjs and looking beautiful as ever.
"Wow! You savage!" She yanked me into the house, I could smell the alcohol roaming though the air.

"You want some?" She asked as I placed her white furry purse down on the couch next to the fireplace. This house was breathtaking,giant plasma walls and a fancy outearier.

She shoved the bottle in my hand and smiled like a kindergartener. I took a sip, and a couple more before placing it back onto the counter.

"Come one!" She waved her hand
Leading me to the kitchen where the music was blasting.

"I don't dance."

"Are you implying you don't dance or, you don't know how to?" She smirked, turning up the volume as she moved to the beat,her hips swaying as she jumped onto the couch, still dancing.

"I just," I turnt down the music and tried to get her off the couch.

"You just what?" She smirked, crossing her arms.

I could feel my pants getting tighter, considering she had no bottoms on.

"Your just boring." She rolled her eyes and sat on the edge of the couch.

" marina, you are drunk. " I calmly said standing in front of her.

"And you are horny." She yanked me down onto the couch, crawling intop of my body.

"I want you to show me more than you did at the party." She bent down, whispering in my ear.



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