T h r e e

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'This was very new to mitchfield high school. Marina light was standing above fire for 9 months straight, her student of the year record was ruined by Samuel wilkinson, making one of our "that was close" top five nominations.'

I scrolled down the site of mitchfield highs, getting angrier and angrier. No one deserved that award but me! And only me. If anything right not I felt invaded and insulted. Almost a joke. This whole thing was a joke.

At this moment, Samuel was absoulty dead to me. More than a fucking waste of time. I was going to gain back this award, but first I needed something to calm me down, I knew exactly what that was.


"Debra! What have you done? Oh my lord." I held my hand up to my forehead, wanting to die. I couldn't find the book, and writing all my anger a hatred down really relaxed me.

I threw the pink pin across the room, sending a very irritating sound.
"Ugh!" I kicked the Base bored of my bed, sending a stinking feeling thought my toe.

"Oh fuck oh fuck!" I hated stubbing my toe more that anything, but I hated Samuel Howard wilkinson at this point way more.

Those were my prizes, not his. If anything i helped him!

< if u don't understand every year her school has a student of the month awards, the don't find out until 3 months into summer. Everyone is automatically put in the race, but you have to earn points till you reach a certain level. Marina was the first one to earn her amount of points, but Sammy won at the last minute, making 1000 points in 1 month >

I little typing would make up. For the lack of my lost burn book! Right? Before you Could read the last words of that sentence I slammed down into my desk chair, smirking.

' to: sammmmmyboi123@yahoo.com '

(fake lololol lmao)

' you are a waste of space, more like a off the top disgrace. I'd rather listen to taylor swift for 10 straight hours than even look at you once, picking my eyeballs out sounds nicer.'

I composed more hatdred then I should at the time, and left it as a drafts, halfway shutting down my computer.

I was kind of relaxed, but I was bymyself and needed someone to rant to.
With out thinking, I called Amy smd asked her to come over, she was really helpful at times.

Sooner or later, I heard a knock on my room door.

"Woah girl, you okay lmao?"

We sat down onto my bed, me taking a deep breath in before I say anything.

"I'm not in the top 4 anymore!"

"Woah, what the hell? Who could win against you?" She looked more and more concerned as I ranted away about my problem. We took This very heavily, I don't think anything else could be more surprising and terrifying.

"I he could have even rigg-" *ding*

I took a look at my laptop, the 'sent :)!' Message appearing on the screen.

I gasped, shaking my head ruining my perfectly laid hair.

"OMG! What?" She asked in confusing.

Some things you can't even tell a best friend, I don't trust anyone.

"You have to leave! Thank you for coming though!" My pouty face appeared, leaving my face emotionless. I pushed her out the door and yelled for Debra to lock the door on her way out.

My hatred was out.


HA THE BITCH GOT EXPOSED LMAO............ I ALWAYS BE DISSING THE CHARACTER I MAKE SMH TO MYSELF lmao rn I'm listening to lady killer rn..It's so hard to update with music but g is so good. There's on,y like 2 rappers in my library the rest is some post hardcore shit aalmao. I LOVE RAI loverforthesummer

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