N i n e

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His hands grasped my hips, following them as I moved up and down his body, leaving bitemarks with my teeth. I could smell his alcohol breath flowing out his mouth as I connected my lips with his, for some reason I was hoping this would happen once more, I don't know why. Our lips collided over and over again, it wasn't slow either. He pulled my lip in between his teeth, making me moan once in a while.

His hands traveled up and down my body as my hands relaxed on his shoulder. He flipped us over so now I was facing him directly, my legs wrapped around his waist. He stared at me.

Our lips connected again, giving him a chance to slide my pants off.

"I can't." He said breathless.

He sat up and so did I.

"Your drunk mar-" I put 1 finger up before he could finish his sentence.

" think it's rather time for you to leave, in the mean time I'll be turning on my alarm. " I grabbed my things and walked into the my room, bouncing onto my bed. Letting all the feelings I had from the day fly away.


I put my hair in to lil top knots and washed the rest of my face. I brushed my teeth and slipped in my undergarments. After that I picked a silky white shirt that flowed and black leggings, my white heels to match.

"Debra, tell daddy to call me when he Comes home. He makes me awfully worried." I fixed my hair and picked up my purse.

"Yes miss. You lok lovely today." She said as I walked out.

Did I mention, daddy bought me a new corvette last year? I'm just now using this baby. I hopped in the black waxed car, feeling the burn of the leather seats. I started it and rolled off as the gates opened.

While I was sleeping, I've been thinking about where Sam took me, it was so stunning on the inside, the way the rocks shimmered witha coat of water over them, the way the waterfall made the rainbow appear easily in the sky and the way the cave opened at the top, showing the moon at dusk. I don't think I've ever seen anything more magnifying. It was so naturally beautiful. That feeling you get when you can smell the moister in the air.

Anyways, I countinued off to Starbucks. I arrived at the desanated area, on a crowded Sunday.

"How may I help you today?" A women dressed in all black and a green appren wrapped around her waste asked me.

"Ah, yes. Can I get a tall Carmel frap? Extra whip please." I leaned over just enough so she could hear me.

"Is that all ma'm?" She typed in whatever on the cash register.

I nodded my head. "Your total is 3.50" I handed her the money and waited for my drink.

Soon she handed me my drink and I thanked her and sat down at the white booth.

Looking across from me, I saw evil eyes meeting mine. Amy.

She came and sat at my table.

"Hi miss little princess." She said plastering a fake smile.

"What the fuck are you doing here! I don't want to get seen talking to you!"

"Well I just came to inform you! your little secret is out."

"What are you even talking about!"

"Oh sweetie! Your act is off. You know your little pink book?" She leaned over and smiled. My face was once again emotionless.

"You apparently must not want me here, so how bout I go." She got up from the table.

"Wait," I grabbed her hand as she a at back down at the table.

"I want to make a deal."



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