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I hurried a pulled on my jeans and slipped my shoes on. I grabbed my phone and jumped into my car, not caring what to told my parents.

Soon I arrived at the designated place and hurried though the glass doors.

"Flight 302 is running late." A lady In a blazer said on a microphone.

I looked for that number and spotted her.

She was sitting her suitcase on one of the chair while I'm guessing was her dad talked to the lady.

I ran to her, instantly getting some weird as looks and grabbed her hand. (I'm crying y'all) spinning her around and connected my lips with hers. The kiss was yet soft but very passionate.

+third person

They kissed like it was there first, eyes stared at the passionate event. He took her breath away with one swift movement. There was no need to be curious anymore. The question was answered before it even got asked. And explosion of serenity overwhelmed them both. It was as if she was the princess and he was a lost prince. Knowing that time went fast and it might of been the last time they ever experienced hidden love, they were still grateful for the moments they shared together. She pulled away, and took a deep breath as he moved some of her hair of her forehead, leaving a kiss.

"Flight 302" is boarding now."

She looked at him, not knowing what to say.

"I'll see you again, Samuel."

"I hope little miss marina." (Go catch that reference in the beginning of the book.)

She walked away with such wonders. She liked him, she didn't know why she loved him.

He stood there breathless, knowing her words were true, that he should even be grateful for all the insults that were shown in a different kind of way of saying 'I like you'.

She boarded the plane with her dad, having nothing to say but "I'm sorry".



And that's how I fell in love with my worst enemie.


Im proud of myself.i wrote this book in 4 days. No joke. I was so excited. I would like to thank my grandparents and rai for keeping me motivated lol, there might be a sequal. The book ism dome yet but there's only one more chapter. I doubt anyone will read this book lmao. So yea, thanks to the people that voted and liked and commented. LY all. 👼

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