S i x

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We sat on the cold rock for a while, as she memorized the waterfall.
I could tell she thought it was a beauty, just like her. I don't mean to be cocky but I honestly love everything about her. The way here hazel eyes compliment here features, the way her nose twitches when I'm close to her, how she gets mad and throws adorable fits. She can wear what she want and worry about herself. Her. I didn't want to take this moment for granted.

"Why are you acting like this?" She chuckled taking he shoes off and placing them on the rock behind us. Showing her dainty feet.

"Like what?" I smiled.

"Like a gentlemen?"

"You told me too."

She sighed and put her hands on the rock,resting them.

"I want to know that you actually mean it. I don't want it to become a 1 time thing. You have to actually mean it." She looked at the waterfall once more before glancing at me.

I thought about what she said for a long time, she was so hard to get. I realized I wasn't changing my ways just for her. I was changing my ways for a better me. Just knowing it was for the good made my heart flutter.

"I must get going Sam. My dad will worry." She said picking up her shoes and placing them into her feet.

I got her down from the rock and lead her to my car.



I didn't understand why he was acting that way. He wasn't like that yesterday.

I slipped my slippers off and got into my bed, closing my eyes and waiting for tommarow.


I curled my hair and slipped on my outfit which was a sparkly tan leotard and put in my high waisted blue jeans, adding my tan sweater too.

I sprayed some perfume on me and spinned around once. Did I tell you Debra showed my book? It was really time to do dome burning.

' you can litterly see Cecilia's pussy piercing though her jeggings. Her jegging need to leave to smh. ~ your worst enemie.'

I closed the book and slid it in my drawer, flipping my hair omf before I left out the house.

"Sorry to keep you waiting yesterday, Benjamin."

He smiled up at the mirror.

He pulled into the parking lot. "Your to kind. Thank you." I smiled and waved bye.


"And that's how these protons will combine with your mixture." Mister ark said placing the bottle on the desk.

The bell rang mad everyone took there white coats off, running out the room.

"Good work today Samuel" I said walking out. He actually worked today.

I put my things back Into my locker, closed it and became face to face with Amy.

"Are you coming to Cecilia's party tonight?" She squealed. I absoultly hated Cecilia. She was a 2timimg stank bitch.

"Of course!" I cheered fakly as I headed out the school into my limo.

"Benjamin I need you to take me to a party tonight."

"Yes miss."


"Perfect!" Amy cheered while she watched me swirl around in my outfit.
It was a pink cropped top with black ripped jeans. They fitted high waisted and I also had a Pair if black matte slip ons.

She did my make up that consisted of black matte lipstick and eye shadow , Amy usally did shit like this.

"We're going to be the only ones showing up In a limo!" She was memorized at the idea. She was wearing a flowy black skirt and a cropped top.

"Yea yea, let's go." I grabbed her hand as she turned around for a second and held one hand behind her back snobbily and lead her into the limo.

"So ppretty." She tried it to touch the ice box.

"Don't touch."

"Don't touch that either."

"Stop touching stuff Amy!" She gulped as we arrived at the party.

"Thanks Benjamin." I said leading her out the limo.

"Ooooo Benjamin fancy." She's chuckled.

I could Already smell the cheap alcohol and stinky people.

"This looks fun!" Amanda ran over and grabbed a couple shots. We could hardly move, there was so many people. Soon I lost Amy of course, leaving me alone.

What fun could it be to try a couple? I picked up a substance, gulping it down and feeling the tingle sensation run though my throat. I grabbed a couple more, maybe 10. My vision was tripping after the 7th one. It felt good, I felt good.

"You okay?" I heard and voice ask as I stumbled around.

"Totes." I fell onto the person, almost keeping my balance.

There was hardly no one down stairs, I was alone with whoever.

"Why do you have so many friends? You get invited to so many party's and outings." The voice asked.

"Because everyone wants to be friends with me." I simply said.

"Why is that?"

"I'm rich, you silly!" I smacked the persons shoulder playfully.

"What if you don't like some of the people that 'want to be friends with you'? Like Amy, do you like any?"

"No. Why are you asking so many questions?"

"Why are you friends with her then?"

"Because if I'm not, I won't have any!" Tears came down my face.

I dropped the bottle from my hand and stood up.

"You might want to clean that up." I said walking to the window. The sky was dark and the moon was full and white, like one one of those movies.

I looked out side at the lonely pool, and I needed some fresh air. I made my way to the back door and with out thinking, peeled my cloths off and hopped into the pool. The water was relaxing and the color made me feel cool.

I heard the back door opened, I couldn't see who it was because it was really dark. I enjoyed this a lot. Soon I felt a clothed body embrace me in the water, spinning me around and placing there plump lips on mine. I held on to whoevers shoulders and countinued to move my lips in motion with there's. I enjoyed this. I felt more then free. They cupped my face and we we underwater, not breaking the kiss. I pulled away shortly, we were both breathing harder than we should have, sweating even though we were in water. I moved my eyes towards there's, only to meet eyes with Samuel.


This bitch so dramatic lmao chill out marina

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