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"Well, I was Just telling you. You don't have to get mad." Amy sat on my bed.

"She despises boys, she's totally a lesbian. I'm not talking shit just telling you the truth." Amy said. I was throwing up inside just seeing her sit in my bed.

"So your here to tell me that marina is lesbian?" I was confused, there's no reason she should drive all the way here to tell me such.

She nodded and picked up her purse.

"I would be careful of I were you, she could be bisexual." She pecked me on the cheek and left.

I wasn't that air headed to believe in some bullshit like that.



I was going to cry, but I don't wanna waste my tears. My book wasn't in the slit in the mattress. It all added up.


"Perfect!" Amy cheered while she watched me swirl around in my outfit.
It was a pink cropped top with black ripped jeans. They fitted high waisted and I also had a Pair if black matte slip ons.

She did my make up that consisted of black matte lipstick and eye shadow , Amy usally did shit like this.

"We're going to be the only ones showing up In a limo!" She was memorized at the idea. She was wearing a flowy black skirt and a cropped top.

"Yea yea, let's go." I grabbed her hand and lead her into the limo, turning around for a second then grasping my hand with another behind her back snobbily.

Amy had my motherfucking book.


"Miss, you will not be having school today due to a gas leak." Debra informed me as I sat up.

I stood up and jumped on the bed.

"Hellllll yea" I bounced on the bed, sitting down and remembering what I found last night.

"Are you alright miss?" Debra asked sitting next to me.

I made a pouty face and nodded.

"Is someone bothering you?"

I didn't say anything back, I hope she's not just being nice.

"Is it, that boy?" She asked worriedly.

"I uh, should go get changed." I got off the bed and went to the bathroom.

I did the usaul and slipped on my silk bathrobe. When I went back in my room Debra wasn't there, not surprising.

I put on a floral t' shirt with black flowers on it and leggings with jellie slip ons,(shoe GOals oml)

I slicked my hair back ( kinda like Madison beers at the Tca's bit marinas looks better lol) but it was still kinda of wavy at the ends.

I decided to do work today because Sam was supposed to do the finalizing form for science but he's lazy as hell was his 'excuse'.

I moved the laptop over on my desk and started the form.


"Miss. Miss!" Debra tapped me as I lifted my head up off the desk.

(This bitch sleepy lol)

I could feel the dried saliva on my face.

"What time is it? And would you please stop calling me miss?" I chuckled still half sleep.

"It's 7:30"

I fell out my chair and hit my head.

(Mama called the doctors and the doctor said "no more bitches falling on there heads!" LMAOOO I had to k bye)

Debra lifted me up and held me to my balance was stable.

"Thank you." I grabbed a napkin and wiped the crust shit off my face.

"Mister light is in the living room." She bowed and left.

I sighed, it was chillie in the house so is put on my jacket and sneakers.

Thoughts of what he could ask me rushed through my mind. By that time it was 7:59.

I took a deep breath and walked out the stuffy room, the air was filled with confusion as I stood in the middle of the room, staring at him.

"It's 8:00 dad."I sighed straightening out my shirt.

"Oh, yea. We're moving."


Damn dad...

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