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"You joking right?" I laughed.

"To Italy, I found a nice mansion in Venice!"

"What are tou talking about? I live here. What's going to happen to Debra? Where am I going to go to school dad!" My cheeks turned hot. I could feel my head getting heavier.

"I've got it all planned out marina, itll be fine."

At this moment I was very, very pissed.

"Oh yea and of course you didn't have time to talk about it with your own daughter! You expect me to move and not tell me till later because you probably feel that's the right choice? You don't even hardly act like you know me and you want me to move all the way to a totally different country with you? Don't give some lame excuse saying 'your trying the best that you can' because I do not have time for that."

"I do try the best that I can! I give you everything and you decide to act like a spoiled brat?"

I headed towards the door and he grabbed my hand.

"Don't you dare." His face was red also.

I snatched my hand away and walked out into the pouring rain, making my hair slick stringy back.

I hopped into the car with out unlocking it a drove off. I didn't know where I was going. (Wherever Jesus takes her lmao) I didn't care either. I just needed to get out of there.

I lifted the hood up and got our of it, more like slamming the door.

I walked up to his house with the freezing rain still pouring on me. I rang the doorbell, only opened to someone unlocking it immediately.

"Ah." Amy snobily said, only in her bra and underwear. Sam stood behind her with a blank expression on his face, as I stood in the cold, the rain cooling off my anger.

"Well."Amy went to go sit on the couch. As Sammy moved up to the doorway.

I rolled my wrist on my arm, un stiffening it.

(Shit IK she bout to bring that front hand y'all watch out)

"Why are you here?" He said leaning against the doorframe.

"I'm leaving Nebraska, that's what I came here to tell you. I see you have other things to do." I rubbed my arm.

"I don't know what say..."

"When are you-" I cut him off by letting my front hand take controll of me.

"Fuck you and your shit, asshole." I said walking back to my car.

I got in the car and immediately started the car, hit burning tears came racing down my cheeks. I've never cried but once in my whole life, I don't know what's wrong with me. It was a weird feeling to hear someone tell you that they'll make you feel safe and do the exact oppisite. My eyes were getting blurry, so I pulled over.

I let them all flow out as my head rested on the stering wheel. (Dramatic hoe). My eyes still had a burning sensation, which made me cry even more.

All these tears I've been holding back escaped from my eyes. I do t know why. Maybe I was to closed in. Maybe I didn't have feelings and I was cold hearted. I wiped the warm tears of my face and leaned back in my chair, eventually falling alseep. I don't know why I was crying over sam. He made me feel like someone was, almost there for me. he listened to me rant. He made me almost fall in love, but I didn't know that. All I could think about was him.


"Is she awake? I really do need to put those bed sheets in the bag."

"Shake her again, but don't scare her. I heard you can have heart attacks in your sleep."

"Felma you wake her. Goddamn." The other lady side and shook me till I opened my eyes. I was in my room, most of my things were gone.

"Who the hell are you, why do you have a black bag?" I grabbed my chair.

"Woah chill out, we helping your father pack."

I was still confused af. "How did I get here?"

The both looked at each other. One had red hair and looked like she was in her mid 30'S. Kinda of like my dad. The other had long sleek black hair and looked 27.

"Your father call the popo."

"That must suck for you." The red head shrugged.

My hair was still incredibly wet. I put it in a pointy tail behind my Head. I could still taste the tears on my lips. It wasn't a suttle taste either.

"I need to go wash up, excuse me." I walked pass them and went into the bathroom. I looked dead. My lips were chapped and my eyes were red asf.

I looked at the empty counter, there was only my kiwi body wash left.

I hopped into the shower and let the water pour on my face. It was really relaxing. I rinsed off my body wash and hopped out, covering myself with a white towel that layed on the counter since this morning.

They wernt in my room anymore, everything was gone except my bed.

I put on a long tan skirt that gripped everything (if u no what I mean😏😏) and a 'mud' blue jean jacket that I got from topshop 3 years ago. I out my hair in a mid messy bun and grabbed my purse, walking out.

" well, shall we get going?" My dad looked down. I didn't answer, we just walked out. Benjamin and Debra were in the limo and the rest of us just got in.

I waved goodbye to my gaurds as the moving truck continued behind us.


I got out, seeing the man moving are furniture into sometype of transportation.

Debra got out, with tears filling her eyes.

I hugged her tightly.

"I'm going to miss you sweet pea." She kisses my forehead and looked at me.

"I want you to stay strong for me."

I nodded and hugged her again.

Benjamin got out an took his hat off.

He reached out to shake my hand and I declined, and hugged him instead.

He smiled and bowed.

I took my dad arm and headed into the airport, ready for whatever.


THIS made me shed a lil tears o m l

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