T e n

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I sat on my window ledge, thinking about what she said. It's not hard to do, I hate him right?

'Stay away from Sammy, or your secret will not be kept.'

I felt so stupid for even coming in contact with him. For even having to make this decision.


I was currently crying because of episode 21 season 2 from the fosters, no No one knows how much I ship #jonner.

"OTP! OTP" i shouted at the screen. No, I'm not weird. Well, yea. I really should get off my lazy ass and clean up, but Debra will do it for me. I turnt the tv off and got under my covers, clapping the lights off once I was settled.


Today was a half day, which was pretty exciting. I cringed at the thought of spending a whole day with low life wannabes.

I finished applying lotion on to my smooth skin, then picking out my outfit. It was a collared white and black polo with a white non-see though sheer skirt. I was being lazy with my hair so I left it how it was when I took it out my bun.

I slipped on my black slip-ons and looked for Benjamin. Soon I hopped into the limo and crossed my arms.

"Why didn't you answer my multiple calls, Benjamin? You know I could fire you at anytime, anyplace.." I scoffed, looking a Benjamin's scared face in the mirror.

"My sincere apologys miss." He said driving off.


I got my things out my locker and closed it, walking to science class. I knew Amy was in my science class so here we go.

"Well, we have 2 more weeks to finish this project, get going!" Mr ark said smiling.

Sammy arrived and sat it the metal chair next to me.

"So do you want to make the 3rd one?" I asked annoyed. He made me do all of the work.

He looked confused and pointed at himself.

"Who else would I be talking to, Sam." I handed him two recommended mixtures. He poured them together and I felt eyes burning into my back, Amy's. She had 1 eyebrow up so I turnt around.

"Your pouring to much!" I snatched the purple and blue substance from him.

"Damn sorry."

The rest of the science class consisted of me doing the rest of course.

I clutched my purse in hand as I walked to my limo.

"Hey, you wanna ride with me?" Sammy asked while he walked to his car. I ignored him and hopped in my limo.

"Hello miss." Benjamin said starting the limo. My phone had received a text message as I sat my purse down next to me.

'Good choice.'
Amy 3:00 pm

I sighed and drifted off to sleep.


"Miss, won't you please wake up." Benjamin shook me standing outside the door.

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