Chapter 2

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Sting and Rogue were going to go to a festival in the town of Aster when they discover that they had lost their exceeds. While they were looking for them, they come across Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Erza and Gray.

"What are you two doing here?" Natsu asked

"We were supposed to go a festival when Lector and Frosch disappeared. Have you seen them anywhere?" Rogue asked with a worried expression.

"We haven't seen them but we can help you find them." Natsu offers.

They walk around until they find the guild building of the Black Cavalieres on the mountainside. They see a man tying up something. Sting and Rogue realize that it was Lector and Frosch.

"LECTOR!!!, FROSCH!!!" Sting and Rogue yell. Natsu and Gray keep them from running after the man.

"Quiet you two!" Erza whispers angrily "We'll get caught!"

They hide behind a tree, before the man takes notice of them. They decide to split into two groups. When the man had left, they entered the guild headquarters of the dark guild. Once they entered the guild building, they noticed that it was unusually quiet.

Why is the guild empty? Lucy wondered.

Just then, two men appeared. The both had sky blue hair and held a black sword.

"Brother, it looks like we have visitors." The guy on the left said.

"Alright, I'll take him on! I'm all fired up!" Natsu said enthusiastically. He breathes out fire and it turns into a enormous ball of fire.

Roar of the Fire Dragon!!!

They dodge his attack and unsheathe their swords. A sword appears on Erza's hand as she starts attacking the man on the right.

"What are you planning to do with that weapon?" Erza parries the man's attack

"Well since you asked, we're going to destroy Fiore. Before we were a dark guild, there was a guild that was envious of us. They burned down our guild and took all our belongings. Our former guild master died during the fire. We asked help from everyone but no one came to help us. So we're going to avenge our master's death and make our guild the most powerful guild in Fiore!!!"

"But that gives you no right to harm people who have done nothing horrible to you!" Erza slams the hilt of her sword on his face making him lose consciousness.

Meanwhile, the others run to the basement. It was unusually empty. They find a stairway but just as they were going to go down, hundreds of mages started surrounding them.

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