Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

The week after, the Fairy Tail girls had a sleep over at Lucy's apartment, much to Lucy's displeasure. But even so, she had no choice but to let them stay. When she arrived home, they were all sitting on the floor, dressed in pajamas.

"Let's play Truth or Dare." Cana suggests. Beside her was a barrel of beer. How she got it inside of Lucy's apartment? No one knows.

Since they were staying at Lucy's apartment, Lucy got to spin the first. They used her brush instead of a bottle. It landed on Cana.

"Cana, truth or dare?" Lucy asks her. She already had a dare on her mind that Cana would absolutely hate doing.


"I dare you to stop drinking for a month." Lucy smiled smugly although she knew that there was no way Cana was going to follow the dare.

"What?!" Cana exclaimed. "No way!!!"

Everyone laughed. There was no way Cana could stop drinking for a day much more a month.

It was Cana's turn to spin. Illia crossed her fingers hoping that it wouldn't land on her since Cana loved to tease her. In the end, it still landed on her.

"Truth or Dare?" Cana asked slyly. She had prepared lots of fun questions and dares for Illia.

"Truth" Illia hoped she wouldn't ask any embarrassing questions.

"Who do you like?" Cana asked directly. The other girls leaned in to hear what Illia was going to say.

"I like all of you guys." Illia replied.

"No, who do you like, like." Cana pressed. She knew that Illia had feelings for another Dragon Slayer but was too dense to realize it.

"I don't like anyone that way." Illia answered honestly. She had just joined the guild. She didn't want anyone to distract her from her job.

"Oh really?" Cana raised her brow. "How about Rogue then? You two seem so close"

"We're just friends." Illia replied. The others looked at her doubtfully. "Really guys, we're just friends."

"We'll see about that." Cana winked. Lucy and the other smirked. They knew Cana was up to something. They continued playing until all of them fell asleep.


"Hey Rogue!" Sting and Lector sit beside Rogue and Frosch.

"Hey" Rogue replies nonchalantly.

"Frosch says so too."

"I know your secret." Rogue looks at him, puzzled. What could he be hiding possibly be hiding from his partner in crime?

"You have a crush on Illia, don't you!" Lector says loud enough for everyone in the Sabertooth guild to hear. No one pays attention to them but Rogue's ears turn pink in embarrassment.

"I do not" Rogue retorts.

"Yes you do!" Sting smirks.

"Frosch, thinks so too." Frosch knows Rogue the longest and was sure that he was harboring feelings for someone.

"Frosch, you're supposed to take my side!"

Rogue sighs heavily and walks out of their conversation. Sting sighs in defeat and lacrima visions Lucy.

"So how did it go with Rogue?" Lucy asks. Sting shakes his head in disbelief at how dense his friend was.

"He's not admitting."

"Same with Illia. Cana kept pressing her on who she liked but she wouldn't budge."

"I think they like each other but they too dense to realize it."

"I have a plan."

Hey guys! Thanks so much for voting on my last chapter! I hope you like this one. Sorry if it's a bit short. I'll try to make the next one longer. 

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