Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

"Good Luck!" Lucy says as she hugs Illia and Tigris. "Make sure you return home safe."

"We will!!!" They reply in unison.

"I sure hope we do" Illia says to herself

The two were nervous since it was their first mission. They were going to guard a treasure on a boat going to another island. Illia hoped that the mission wasn't too dangerous. After all, it was still their second day as a Fairy Tail member. She didn't want to die yet.

They go to Fairy Hills to wait for Erza. They spot her in the entrance together with Gray and Wendy.

"Good Morning, guys!" Illia and Tigris waved.

"Good Morning!" Wendy smiles at them.

"Wendy is going to cast Troia on you so that you won't get motion sickness in our mission." Erza says.

Illia heaves a thankful sigh. She didn't want to be useless in the mission.



"Ahh! The sea is actually great if you don't have motion sickness." Illia exclaims as she admires the crystal clear water below her. Tigris was fast asleep on her lap. Gray was sitting on a deck chair also admiring the view.

"Don't forget that we're here to guard treasure not to relax." Erza suddenly appears, glaring at them.

"Y-yes!" Gray stands up while Illia wakes Tigris up. Illia bows apologetically. They enter a room at the deck of the ship and see a golden statue of a lady. She had long flowing hair and wore a dress that reached her knees. Strings of precious jewels were adorned on her neck.

"It's beautiful!" Illia marveled. She wondered if the statue inspired by someone. That woman must've been very pretty.

"Yeah" Tigris agrees.

"So let's do this!" Gray says enthusiastically as he takes off his shirt. Illia and Tigris look at him strangely.

"It's a habit of his. Don't worry you'll get used to it." Erza assures them.

Luckily, they didn't encounter any thieves. After delivering the statue to it's owner, they decided to have lunch on the island. As they entered a restaurant, they spotted Sting together with Rogue.

"Hey guys!" Illia waved. She scanned the room, looking for the two exceeds but she didn't see them.

"Where's Lector and Frosch?" Illia asked

"We left them at home since they both caught a cold." Rogue replied.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Gray asked

"We're on a quest to find a rare flower in the mountains. Wanna come with us?" Sting asks as he takes a bite of his pizza.

Illia, Tigris and Gray looked at Erza as if they were asking for permission.

"Sure, I guess coming with them wouldn't be bad."


"I give up!!!" Illia cried in frustration. Beads of sweat were dripping off of her face. Her legs ached from walking for two hours straight. "Tigris, can't you carry to the top? I'm dead tired!!!"

Tigris stuck out his tongue and flew faster. Erza and Gray were way ahead so she couldn't call them. She turned looked for Sting and saw him already on top of the mountain. Illia sighed.

"I'll only do this once. If you shout or squirm I'll drop you." Rogue said.

"Y-you d-don't have to." Illia's cheeks flushed.

"Do it now before I change my mind." Rogue squatted so Illia could reach his back.

Illia nods and climbs on to his back.

"Thanks Rogue" Illia whispers sheepishly, cheeks flushing from embarrassment.

"If you're tired you can tell me. I can walk on my own."

"No, it's okay. I wouldn't have carried you if you were heavy. Besides, if you continued to walk on your own I'm sure you would've given up after a few minutes."

"Hey!" Illia hit him playfully "Actually, you have a point there."


When they reached the top of the mountains, they were greeted by a garden of flowers.

"Wow, it's beautiful!" Illia exclaimed in amazement. There were different kinds of flowers. Some of them were so rare that even Illia, who loved growing flowers couldn't name.

Rogue and Sting were looking for a flower that could heal any kind of sickness. They found it in the middle of the garden. After that the Fairy Tail wizards decided to go home since it was getting late.

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