Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

Rogue was on his way to Aster. After hearing the news about what had happened to Illia he immediately bought the earliest train ticket to Aster. Even if Illia wasn't interested in him romantically, she was still one of his closest friends.

When they arrived at Aster, Rogue and Frosch decided to check the guild building of the Black Cavalieres. He knew that the place written on the paper was just a trap. The guild building was empty but he could faintly smell the traces of Illia's scent.

"Rogue, maybe she's there!" Frosch pointed at one of the tiles on the floor. There were a few pairs that were different.

"Thanks Frosch"

Rogue stepped on the tiles, jumping on it but nothing worked. Then he remembered a place he'd been to when he was young. The tiles needed to absorb magic so that you could be taken to another place. But it required a huge amount of magic. Just as he was about to cast a spell, Frosch stopped him. Frosch knew that he might be powerless after but he wanted to help his friend. The enemy might be really powerful.

At first Rogue was hesitant to let Frosch use up his magic but he gave in when he saw that Frosch really wanted to help. After a few minutes, the tiles opened. A staircase going downstairs appeared.

"Take care of yourself okay. I'll be back soon." Rogue pats Frosch's head as he takes a step on the flight of stairs

"Frosch, thinks so too."

Meanwhile, the Fairy Tail members and Sting were talking to Yukino through a lacrima vision. They ask her if she's seen Rogue.

"Rogue left yesterday. He said he was going to save Illia." Yukino says

"What?! How did he know where she is?!" Lucy demanded. They've been searching for Illia for days. If Rogue knew where she was he could've told them.

"He's not sure where she is but he has a feeling that she's in Aster, at the place where you first saw her. He's probably Aster by now."

"I guess we were right about him saving her."

"I hope they come back soon."


Blood trickled down Illia's mouth. She was chained on to an electric chair. She was blindfolded and gagged. Her hands were raw and bloody from the tight chains. Miyuki tortured her, thinking that she'd give her the answers she was looking for.

"I'll give you one more chance. Tell me where is it?!!" Miyuki demanded

Illia shook her head. The thing that Miyuki was asking for seemed familiar to her but she couldn't remember what it was. She felt like it was something important to her before.

"Wrong answer" Miyuki pressed the remote control. Immediately, Illia felt a strong surge of electricity rush inside her. After that, Miyuki punched her in the stomach, making Illia cough up blood.

"You better tell me where it is when I come back." Miyuki says as she leaves the room.

Illia immediately tried to remove the cloth tied over her eyes but she couldn't move her hands. The chains were tied up too tightly. She only had an ounce of power left. If this continues she wouldn't be able to escape from the clutches of Miyuki.

If only I didn't walk that morning, Illia chided herself. She hoped everyone in the guild was okay.

She tried to melt the chains with her magic but she didn't have enough energy to produce light. Plus, the room was very dark which makes light even harder to produce. She sighed. She was ready to give up any moment.

"I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye" she murmured. Her eyes were brimming with tears. She wanted to spend more time with her friends and comrades but it was impossible for her to escape. She remembered all their fun memories together. They were only friends for a short time but each moment with everyone was memorable. If only she had a chance to see them again.

I hope you're all okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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