Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

Lucy was right. When she arrived at the apartment, she saw Illia sitting on her bed. She was hugging Tigris who was trying to comfort her. Tears were about to fall from her eyes.

"Oh, Illia" Lucy says with concern "Are you okay? I'm really sorry for taking part in this. I didn't know that it would hurt the both of you like this. I'm really sorry."

Lucy felt guilty. She didn't consider Illia's and Rogue's feelings when they were making a plan to set them up. But it's too late to turn back time now.

"I-it's o-okay" Illia sniffles and tries to smile, she didn't want her friends to worry about her. She was worried about Rogue though. She hoped he wasn't too upset about what had happened.

"But why did you run away like that? You could've at least told Rogue what you felt."

"Lucy, I don't know what to do!" Illia cries "I think I like him too but I guess he thinks that I hate him now. I'm such an idiot"

Tigris sighs; this is what happens when you put two dense people together.

"I'll go see Frosch and Lector." Tigris says as he leaves the room. He didn't like seeing Illia cry.

"I'm sure Rogue understands." Lucy pulls Illia in for a hug. "We're here for you Illia. If he tries to hurt you just tell us and we'll make sure he'll never see daylight again."

"Thanks, Lucy" Illia hugs her back "For everything"


Illia decided to go for a walk. She liked walking at night when the town was quiet and peaceful. It gave her time to think. Usually she'd ask Tigris or Lucy to go with her but they looked like they were tired so she didn't bother to wake them up.

While she was walking around, she sensed that someone was following her. She turns around to see who it is but there was no one. She continued walking. She was probably just tired. As she walks toward an alley, something pulls her back and covers hers face. Then everything went black.

When Lucy woke up, she immediately went to Illia's bed. She was going to invite her to go shopping but instead of seeing Illia she saw Tigris sitting on the bad with a worried look. He looks at her and asks, "Have you seen Illia?"

Lucy shakes her head. She didn't think too much about it. Maybe Illia just went for a walk. They both knew that Illia liked wandering the streets when it was night or early morning. Maybe she'll be back later. An hour passed, a day, a week but she still didn't return.

"Has Illia been here the past week?" Lucy asked Mirajane. Maybe she went to a quest and had forgotten to tell them. Mirajane shakes her head sadly.

"She hasn't returned here for a week. I asked some of the townspeople if they've seen her around and their answer is always no. I hope she comes back soon." Mirajane says with concern. All of the Fairy Tail members wished she'd return soon. They were searching everywhere looking for her.

Where could she be?, Lucy wondered. She checked all of the places Illia used to go to. She hoped Illia wasn't in trouble.

Suddenly, the guild's doors flew open. It was Sting. He looked like he was in a hurry to get here.

"Guys, I think I know where Illia went!" Sting says, out of breath. He took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

It read:

If you want your friend back, meet me tonight at the empty shack in Aster. Don't bring anyone but yourself.

"Well then, let's go!" Natsu yells

"Where's Rogue, by the way?" Mirajane asks

Sting smirked. As soon as he finished reading the paper, Rogue left with Frosch.

"Maybe we should leave Rogue to save Illia." Sting suggests "I'm sure he can handle it."

"Of course"

"Are you sure they didn't elope?"

"Haha let's hope they didn't"

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