Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Today, Fairy Tail was going on vacation at a beach. As soon as they arrived, they hurriedly changed to their swimsuits and played in the water.

"Gray sama looks so hot!!!" Juvia squeals as Gray takes off his shirt.

"Aren't you going to swim?" Tigris asks Illia

"Nah, maybe later you can go ahead if you like." Illia replies. She goes to a small bar and asks for a milkshake. Cana sits beside her and orders a glass of beer.

"Hey! You must be Lucy's roommate? Illia right? Welcome to the guild!"

"Thanks" Illia smiles.

"So how's Lucy's apartment?"

"It's alright. Sometimes Natsu and Happy visit."

Cana offers her a glass of beer.

"Do you want some?"

Illia shakes her head. "No thanks. I don't drink."

"Cana! Illia!" Natsu calls them "We're playing truth or dare. Wanna join?"

"In a second!" Illia finishes her drink and runs to them.


Since it was his room they were playing at, Natsu gets to spin the bottle first. Natsu grabs a bottle and spins it. It lands on Gray.

"Truth or dare, Gray?" Natsu smirks. He had something fun planned up on his sleeves.


"I dare you to dress up as a girl for the whole day."

Everyone laughs. Juvia gets excited and makes Gray wear her clothes. Lucy and Mira volunteered to give him a makeover.

After that, Gray spins the bottle. It land on Illia.

"Tr-" He interrupts Illia.

"I dare you to throw cake at Erza."

"But I was going to say truth." Illia argues but no one listens to her. They were too intrigued to see what would happen.

She finds Erza sleeping on a couch at the lobby. Gray hands Illia the cake. She says a small prayer hoping that Erza wouldn't get mad at her. Then she quickly threw it at Erza and ran away.

Erza wakes up from her sleep and notices that her face was covered in icing.

"Who did it?" Erza says angrily. Natsu and Gray look for Illia but she had ran off. They point at each other. She glares at them. The bystanders hurriedly ran away to avoid her wrath.

"You two are going to pay for this!!!"


The next day, Illia wakes up from the sound of Sting and Lector's loud screaming.


"Alright alright, I'm up." Illia says as she flutters her eyes open. The first thing she sees is Sting and Lector.

"Wait, what are you two doing here?"

"Good morning to you too!" Sting says sarcastically.

Illia rolls her eyes and tries to go back to sleep but they pull her out of the bed.

"C'mon Illia! Let's go swim!" Lector says.

"Ugh, fine just let me change first."


"Since both guilds are here, why don't we throw a party?" Sting suggests. Everyone agrees.

Illia is introduced to some Sabertooth members. She immediately becomes friends with them.

"Do you want a drink?" Rufus offers her a glass. She shakes her head and decides to grab a bottle of water.

Just as she was about to reach the counter, a hand touches her shoulder.

"Hheeyyy! Illiaaaa!" The man slurs. When Illia looked back to see who it was, she stifled a laugh. It was Rogue. She didn't know he was this loud when he was drunk.

"Rogue, I think you've had too much to drink. Let's bring you to your room." Illia says

"Sure, but can you do me a favor?" Rogue says quietly.

"Yeah, what i-" She was cut off by a pair of soft lips. She wasn't sure if she was going to kill Rogue for getting drunk or torture him for stealing her first kiss.

"Rogue, you idiot!!!" Illia slaps him hard on the cheek and walks out.

Rogue, touched the slap mark on his cheek. He noticed that almost everyone in the party was looking at him. Sting comes to him wearing a disappointed look.

"Rogue, what the hell have you done??!! If you liked Illia, then you could've at least told her you liked her instead of kissing her." Sting lectures

Rogue stared off to space. He didn't know the reason why he kissed Illia. He was just acting on impulse. Does this mean he has feelings for Illia or was he just too drunk too know what he was doing?

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