Chapter 3

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Lucy enters the room and sees that the girl had woken up. She sits on a chair beside her bed.

Lucy smiles at her "You had a high fever last night but you seem okay now."

The group reached Aster a few days ago and was able to find an inn for a small price. It was located in an empty patch of land far from the urban area of Aster. They planned on touring the city once the girl woke up.

"Um, who are you and where am I?" The girl asked.

"I'm Lucy Heartfilia. We're in an inn in Aster. Let's go outside. My friends want to speak to you."

The girl nods and leaves the room with Lucy. They sit at the porch of the inn. Erza sees them and sits beside them.

"How are you?" She asked the girl

"I'm fine. Thank you for letting me stay with you." The girl replies. She suddenly remembers her cat, Tigris.

"Have you seen my cat, Tigris?" The girl asked.

"Yeah, he's here somewhere with the other exceeds."

There are other cats like him? Then there must be someone like me to,

"May I ask what your name is?" Erza asked. Everyone started to gather at the porch, interested at what the mysterious girl had to say. A few days ago they went around Aster and asked people if they knew her but no one seemed to recognize her.

"Um, I'm Illia Hicarius." She tried to remember what happened for the past few months but she couldn't remember anything.

"I was born on the year X773 .I have no siblings. I don't clearly remember the place where I used to live. My parents left me at a young age. After my parents disappeared, a pastry shop owner took me in but then after that I don't really remember anything." Illia said

"That's okay" Erza smiles. She thought that it was not yet time for her to tell Illia what had happened. "You had a sudden loss of magic so we took care of you."

"So you're a mage?" Natsu asked

Illia nodded. She thought that their friendly personality was a little suspicious. No one used to be this friendly to her. She remembered being bullied by other children because she acted differently.

"Can I trust you guys?" She asked

"Of course you can. I'm Gray by the way. This is Natsu and that's Sting and Rogue. You probably already know Lucy and Erza. We're wizards too."

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