Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

Rogue wakes up from his sleep. He hardly remembers what had happened last night. He washes his face and takes a bath. Just as he was about to leave the room, he remembers the events that happened. His ears flushed with embarrassment.

"I screwed up really bad didn't I?" Rogue thought. He wondered how he was going to apologize to her.

He left his hotel room and went to the lobby. He sees Illia together with Lucy. Their eyes meet. Illia gets tenses and walks out of the lobby. Rogue chases after her.

"Illia, wait!" He grabs her hand. She stops walking and looks at him.

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know what got into me. I'm sorry, Illia." Rogue says sincerely. He silently prays that she'll forgive him.

"Apology not accepted. Try harder." Illia says as she walks away. Rogue grabs her arm tightly.

"Look, I don't want to be guilty for the rest of my life. I'm really sorry that I did it. Can't we just forgive and forget? I promise I won't do it again"

Illia pulls her hand away from Rogue's grip and punches him in the head.

"What makes you think I can forgive you that easily, idiot! You stole my first kiss!" Illia says exasperatedly as she runs off.

"Well, it was my first kiss too." Rogue whispers as he rubs his head.


Illia glares at the wall. As much as she wanted to forgive Rogue, she also wanted to skin him alive.

"Ugh! Rogue, you idiot!" She punches the wall.


"Hey are you okay?" Tigris asks as Illia rubs the hand she used to punch the wall."

"Did you patch things up with Rogue?" Tigris places ice on her hand.


"Illia, he looked like he was sorry. He fought with Sting earlier." Tigris sits beside her.

"What?! Why?" Illia wondered what made the Twin Dragon Slayers fight.

"Sting won't talk to him unless you forgive him. So are you going to save their friendship or not?" Tigris smirks as he says the last sentence.

"Ugh, fine"

Illia leaves their room and goes to Rogue's. She finds him lying on his bed with a bandage covering his right cheek.

"Hey" Illia smiled sheepishly.

"Hi" Rogue replies. He hopes that she wouldn't add more injuries to him.

"Um, I went here to say that you're forgiven." Illia says "But if you do it again, I'll make sure you won't get away with it."


"I meant it when I said that I won't let you get away if you do it again." Illia shoots a piercing glare at him and left the room.

Dragon Child // Rogue CheneyWhere stories live. Discover now