Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

When they arrived at Magnolia, they immediately brought Illia to the guild's infirmary. Everyone was worried about her. They didn't want to lose another member, again.

"Is Illia going to be okay? Why wasn't Wendy able to heal her?" Carla asked Porlyusica while Illia was lying unconscious on the bed. Her rosy face had turned pale and sunken. She had lost a lot of blood.

"Dragon spikes take a huge amount of time and energy to heal. It takes years of practice to master it." She replied nonchalantly as she casted a spell on the dragon slayer.

After a few hours, Illia wakes up feeling tired. She felt as if all of the bones in her body had broken. But she didn't want to go back to sleep. Lucy stops by the infirmary. She had just arrived from her quest with Levy.

"How was your trip?" Illia asked. She was going to go with them on the mission but Natsu had already asked her to go with him to Ryushima.

"It was awesome!" Lucy replied. She tells her about her mission with Levy. Then she asks Illia what had happened during her mission. Illia tells her the whole story. After that Lucy's expression turns sour. "I'm never leaving you alone with Natsu and the others again. I don't see you for a day and when you come back this happens!"

"No, no. It was my fault." Illia narrates what had happened in the island "Well, at least I'm still alive. If Rogue was the one who got hit by the spike, then he would've been dead right now."

"Oh so this is about Rogue?" Lucy smirks

"Ugh I know what you're thinking!" Illia buried her red face on her lap. "It doesn't matter who the person is as long as he's on our side then do everything I can to save him."

"Of course" Lucy smiled "But admit it you have a soft spot for him"

"No, I don't!" Illia retorted "And don't you dare put this in your novel!"

"I have no promises." Lucy stuck her tongue out.


A month has passed. The wound on Illia's stomach had almost healed. She took a part-time at the Fairy Tail Pub because she still wasn't allowed to go on quests until her wound heals completely. Sting and Rogue decided to visit her. But Sting couldn't come at the last minutes since he had to do some errands.

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