Chapter Eight

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March 2nd 2015. 2:35pm

I have to hurry up and write this entry to my journal. Father will be home in ten minutes and I have a lot to say. So let's get started.

I was a half second late this going downstairs this morning, so I have a beating in the near future. That means that I will be beaten when Father gets home tonight. What could it be this time? What will he use? I don't want to think about it. It's probably better for me to not think about it.

Aside from that, Riley Matthews will be coming over tonight around four o'clock. I have to tell her so much. So much about me; so much about my family. Normally, I wouldn't talk to someone so much, but Father gave Riley my little brother, so now she's involved in my life. I really hope that she doesn't think of me any differently. But that's kind of a ridiculous thought, seeing as I showed her the scars caused by Father when I stole from his bank account.

What was I thinking? Riley didn't care about my scars. She doesn't care about me. The only reason she started helping me is because she felt bad for me. That's why everyone helps me: Farkle, Mr. Matthews...Riley. 

"Lucas! I'm home. Get your ass downstairs."

I have to go and get beaten now. I deserve this. I was late this morning.

Time of completion: March 2nd 2015. 2:45 pm

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