Chapter Eighteen

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My heart started to pound faster and faster with every kilometre that we drove. Towards Oaken Home. Towards Father.

"Riley, I'm freaking out. I'm really, really freaking out." I started hyperventilating. Bringing my knees up to my chest-which was difficult with the seatbelt, I curled up in the fetal position as best I could. I could hear Father screaming at me. Each hit and kick landing against my skin.

I whimpered, wrapping my arms tighter around my knees.

"Please...please don't hurt me." I whispered, tears pouring down my face. "I'm sorry."

I felt someone stroking my shoulders. Taunting me. Like father had. I flinched away, preparing for the slaps following.

Nothing happened, except a soft voice next to my ear. It didn't sound like Fathers-gruff, often slurred- it sounded sweet, caring.

"Lucas, it's Riley. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to let your Father hurt you...ever again. I promise." A warm hand rubbed circles on my back while another stroked my hair...much like Father had done on my last day with him.

"Don't hurt me. Please." I cried out. "I'll do anything."

A hand was placed on my arm, ever so gently.

"I won't force you to do anything. We don't even have to go to Oaken Home if you don't want to. We can go back to school or even go back to my house and skip the rest of our classes."

No, I had to do this. I had to go face Father.

I took deep breathes until
I felt well enough to drop my knees.

"Thank you Riley. But I have to do this. Let's go."

"Are you sure?" She asked, genuine concern lacing her voice.

I gave her a slight smile, "I'm sure."

"Alright then. Let's go."

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