Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: Please keep in mind this is a work of fiction that closely resembles reality. With that being said, the other people in Jamie's life are referenced, and will continue to be referenced as I see fit to serve the story's purpose. I respect Jamie's privacy and wish him nothing but happiness in his real life/relationships.


Jamie and I departed ways not long after I'd agreed to dinner. I'd sat there briefly, wondering what the hell had just walked into my life, but for whatever reason, I had the sudden urge to write. Mainly because I wanted to finish that paper more than ever so I could be available the moment he asked me to go out. If he even planned on calling.

I'd finished my essay in less than three hours after he'd left, and I walked home with a smile on my face. I'm also fairly certain I said hi to every person that passed by. They probably thought I'd forgotten to take my meds, but truthfully I'd had one of the most successful days in a long time. I'd managed to finish that God-awful final, and met a gorgeous man who wanted to have dinner with me. Things like this never happened in the same week, let alone the same day. In fact, I couldn't recall the last time anyone had actually asked me to dinner. Most guys wanted to meet at a bar or nightclub, and that just wasn't my thing anymore. I was two weeks away from graduating college; those days were far behind me.

It was almost embarrassing how many times I checked my phone the rest of the evening. I couldn't concentrate on the television, Internet, music, nothing. I was too anxious for that impending call or text. When would I even shower again? As soon as I'd walk away, it'd ring; that was my luck. I was restless, so I called my closest friend in New York, Victoria. We'd met our freshman year and had been inseparable since.

"Hey girlie, what's up?" she answered after a few rings.

"Panic mode," I replied.

"Are you okay? Need me to come over?"

I sighed. "No, just nervous about a guy."

"What guy? That one in your classes who won't leave you alone?"

She was referring to Ryan, who'd asked me on a date our sophomore year and although I politely declined, still followed me around in hopes I'd change my mind eventually. Or give in to him as a sympathy favor.

"Hell to the no!" We both laughed. "I met someone today."

"I'm listening," she said.

"And we're going to dinner."

She whistled and it made me blush. "Exciting! When's the big date?"

"Um, we didn't set one up."

"You broke rule number one of dating 101; you always confirm a day before leaving."

"I know, but we exchanged numbers," I rebutted.

"Has he called?"

"Well no, it's only been a few hours."

"Hmm," she said, "give him 24 hours and after that, ignore his attempts."

"What? That's crazy. If he's busy he can't just drop everything to set up a date. Besides, I have finals next week and graduation the week after."

"Don't make excuses, Kels," she began, "if you want to see each other bad enough, one of you will call tomorrow and set up the date. Otherwise, it was a nice encounter."

I'd called her in hopes she'd calm my nerves and pump me up. All she was doing was causing my mind to run in circles. Maybe she was right though. If he didn't call tomorrow then he didn't truly want to see me again.

Endlessly (Jamie Dornan) *COMPLETED*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora