New School, New life

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I'm not lyin' XD. Farewell then! Time for first chapter!

Katherine POV

It's my first day of school now and I like my mew school. I made many friend because of my good status.

(Time Skip: Friday) Sorry I got bored suddenly!

My teacher said me to bring a box of letters for the election of the officers of the student council. Then I saw a handsome boy. When he notices me looking at him strately, I rushed to him and said, mrs. Alma wants to put it in these classroom.

He replies, I know and put it at the empty desk. So I putted it to the empty desk where he pointed and got out of the classroom. He said, I'm Carlo Buenavista! Who are you?

I replied back, I'm Katherine Carson, Nice to meet you. I then added, Goodbye! He replies before smiling, Goodbye then and please if possible meet me here at the same time tomorrow.

After that I nodded and continued on my way. Then my heart strated to beat rapidly like in seconds now I should have a heart attack. I don't know what these mix of feeling have happened to me.

Feeling frustated I rushed to my classroom and sitted. My bestfriend asked me, Kaths are you okay? I replied smiling, I'm okay, I only have been thinking for a while.

Liza replies, okay! If you need any help, feel free to say to me what is the problem. Then Mrs, Alma called me.

I went straitly to her. She said, Katherine I had something important to tell you. I replied, What mam? She replied like a proud mother, Because of your popular status, You've been elected as the vice president of the student council!

I asked curiosly, Is that true? She replied, Yes and the election will be next week, I'll explain to you what are the rules later and one more thing... I asked, What? She said, Don't say this even on your closest friend but you can tell this to your parents.

I replied, Yes promise. I then got to my seat. Liza asked, What did Mrs. Alma said to you? I lied, She just said to me about the school cause I'm new.

We then talked some more. Class started quickly and ended. Mrs. Alma explained me the rules after class and I got every detail of it. Before I got out of the classroom she said, Be safe walking to home! Some students become kidnapped at late noon.

I replied, Ok I'll try to becareful and you too Mrs. Alma! She smiled graceful and said, yes. I the got out of the classroom and school. I texted my mom that I'm walking to scho now and putted my cellphone on my sling bag.

As I walked, I saw a gang of boys interrupting a bunch of girls talking to each other...

(Time Skip: At the bed)

I look my hand and saw it was quite warm. I gazed at the darkening sky and smiled cutely. I told my mom already about the election and she said, She'll make banners for me to win.

I was delighted at my school. It was quite easy to get on with my classmates except one... Carlo Buenevista... His name maked me blush and blush all over again...

I then thinked LOVE. I'm not ready at that thing because at my last relationship. I higged spftly my pillow and sleeped.

Chapter 1 is finished now!!:-) Can you believe it?! I finished this less than an hour! I had a greeting to all readers! Good night! Sorry if I'm not sure about you time zone! But the time zone in my place is nights so I'll say good night. Ok have a good night to everyone! (Whatever!)

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