And the results are...

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Hi everyone! Chappie 5 already! I didn't know that time is so fast that I already got here. I'll update fairy tail fan fic next saturday so keep waiting until I update some. Comment your feelings or suggestion for this story. I'll shut up now! Chappie 5 go! (Chappie is my nick name for chapter)

I waked up coldly this day because it's snowing because of a snow storm near our city. I decided not to wear my uniform but wear winter clothes. I bathed and changed into a cute winter dress and a super cute boots.

I ate breakfast and shouted, Mom I'm going out now! My mom replied, Okay and please be careful going to school.

I replied, Kay mom! Then I opened the door and school.

I arrived at my classroom and sitted at my usual seat. I'm getting really nervous now! I don't know if I'm going to win.

Then Liza came at my sight. She smiled and said, You're so cute Kaths! I think someone will fall on you this day!

I replied hastly, No and it's super impossible. She laughed and said, Okay, Okay! She asked how I was feeling and I said her everything and told her about my dream.

She became suprised and said, So Carlo is you're future boyfriend! I replied angrily, No way! We were just friends!

She laughs and replied, Sorry, Sorry! But I won't believe you but I'm gonna shut up.

I said, Whatever you think, Were just friends and I'm not ready about that kind of stuff. My last boyfriend's break-up to me came again. I feel crying.

She asked, Are you okay? I replied smiling still crying, I'm o-okay! S-Sorry for worrying you!

Then all the contestants were called in the gym so our chat didn't continue.

The program took a series of messages, Dance numbers, talents and finally the announcement of the new officers...

Because of that I suddenly felt strate. It's going to start from the low positions...

After a long announcing, Vice President have come to place.
The announcer said, And the new vice president is... Katherine Carson.

Because of that words I became suprised and went up to the stage. The president is Carlo Buenevista as always.

After that, we arrived at our classroom. Liza asked me if I won but I weared a sad face. She asked, You didn't win?!

I replied smiling, I win!!! She became so happy that maybe she'll scream for a minute now.

I said, Please don't scream, It would ruin youre profile and mine. She replied smiling, Kay! But you'll have to treat first!

I bought her a hamburger from Angel's Hamburger and sighed. She's always like this...

Now time for chatting with Carlo. I entered now again the promised classroom and didn't saw him. I thought he was late because of his duties as the president so I waited patiently.

After many minutes, Calo still didn't show up and the bell ringed which means we need to get inside our classroom.

I entered our classroom and seated.

(Time Skip: After Class)

After class now I looked at my new bought diary and wrote.

Dear Diary,

I became the student council vice president but something had me worried. I didn't chat with Carlo this day. I don't know my feelings for him. Is it the saying, When you see love, follow it?

I closed my diary and got to our student council meeting. Carlo wasn't there either so I did the meeting decently. Hopefully my explenations were good so the other members agreed.

(Time Skip: Now at home)

I told my mom about my position now and she became proud of me. Tomorrow will be Friday so we will not wear our uniform. At my bed I started to think about Carlo.

A thing asked my mind, Do I love him? Or my mind was just playing with me? I fell asleep without no trace.

Chappie 5 is officially finished now! Please like and share this story! :-) I didn't forget about the sharing too. So please share this and be in the story! I'll shut up now! Bye!

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