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It's chappie 4 now! Thanks for supporting this story and my other stories. Sorry because of the short chapter because I can't think of ideas anymore.

I prepared for a big event this day. It is... The election day! I walked to school this time so nervous.

Liza asked, Are you okay? I replied, I'm okay, I'm just nervous of the election. She said, Just inhale and exhale to erase the nervousness.

I smiled and thanked her for her saying.

(Time Skip: At the gym)

It is now time to vote. The rule says, We can vote so I voted the people I think are fit for that position. I voted myself as the vice president.

After voting I nervously arrived at the classroom with Liza. Liza asked, So who did you vote? I said all the people I voted but when I said Carlos' name she had a suprise wearing on her face.

She whispers in my ear, Do you have a crush on him? I sudddenly became surprised and blushed. She chuckles.

I asked, W-Why do you ask a kind of question like that?! And no! Liza replied, Kay! Kay! Sorry for asking!

We changed the topic and chatted some more. Then I happened to look at my watch and saw that I was late for my chat with Carlo!

I said, I had something important to do! Let's chat again next time! I waved goodbye and ran to the promised classroom (I nicknamed it to become more cool)

I saw Carlo there waiting patiently as always. I said, Sorry for being late! I was chatting with my best friend and didn't know that time was running!

Carlo replied, It's okay, I just got here because of chatting my best friend too. We laughed and chatted about the election.

I said, Thanks for voting me. He replied, It's okay you voted me right?

I replied, Of coarse! We chatted a bit more about the election. I said suprised, So tomorrow the results will be given?!

He replied, Yes and our school will be celebrating the school's 500th anniversary. All the winners will be called at the stage and hand shake the principal and will read his or her speech.

I felt a chill in my spine because I'm just a transfer student here I was elected as Vice President. Vice President is a major position too and a well experienced student should take that place!

Carlo asked, What are tou thinking just now? I replied, Nothing but how did you know that? It should've be kept as a suprise to the winners!

Carlo explained, I passed a group of teachers talking to each other and I accidentally heard some details about the results.

I was shocked. Such talky teachers! Spreading stories one to another.

We chatted some more about the school. And of coarse the election! It's really hard to tell if I won.

(Time Skip: After class at the afternoon)

Gosh the class ended up quickly! I wasn't paying attention so much because of my nervouse system. I hope tomorrow at science class, the teacher will say about the nervous system cause I need that lecture.

I stopped thinking about who I dumb was and continued walking to home alone. Carlo can't walk with me because he had to attend a birthday party of his friends.

I became scared because of the rumor that a gang of boys show up in these street but I quickly snatched it.

Then I heard a scream. There was a girl with a gang of boys! They say, Missy I think youre lost! She replies, No!

I think there will be a fight so I ran fastly to home and finally arrived. I breathed a sigh of relief before taking a bath.

After that, I changed into my pajamas and sleeped in my bed. I said, I'm not going to dream like that again! As I said that I blushed. I planned to say Liza what about the dream tomorrow.

I prayed to God, Please let me win the election and I'll pray to you everyday. As I said that I higged my big pillow and fell asleep.
Chappie 4 is officially finished now! Thanks for supporting this story and also support my other stories. As for the sharing, Just comment in this story and give an evidence. If to want to be a boy in this story, You're gonna be Carlo's friend. I don't know if that is final but I'll stop talking now. Bye!

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