Working Days

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Chapter 8 already! I didn't know it was fast to write this! By the way like this story and support my other stories and... Follow me please! okay I'll grab the remote now! Chapter 8 start!

I looked smiling at the new day. It's Tuesday! I arrive early at school to study and manage being the student council vice president.

I saw some students throwing garbage in the sponsored area. I reported to their teachers. All student council members are excused to guard the school.

This is for the school's beatification and cleanliness. I didn't chat with Carlo while cleaning because I'm concentrating on what I'm doing.

I don't want anyone to disturb me!

(Time Skip: At lunch time)

I ate with Liza at the cafeteria. I was talking her about our job. I said laughing, And the boy squeaked like a baby! She replied laughing too, That's crazy! How would anyone be like that!

(Time Skip: At  Math Class)

It's Math Class now. Our teacher gave a suprise periodical test. I was suprised because I didn't study. I asked Liza, Did you study?

She replied, Did not Kaths. I said, Me too. Then Mrs. Alma said, Stop talking you two? We replied, Sorry Mrs. Alma.

I answered the test thinkingly. Hopefully, I know the lessons and memorized them.

It was so easy for me. I thinked, Thank god I know the answer!

After the test, class ended. Time for the student council meeting! I pretended that nothing happened yesterday. I just acted like a responsible vice president.

(Time Skip: After Class)

Class now ended but I'm still at the library researching for something.

My biology teacher said me to research about the woman suffrage at 1852. I don't care if this is hard work but atleast I will have bonus points.

I researched and saw a website name Woman's I think it's all about women and I can searh there about the woman suffrage.

After it stopped loading, A scary part of conjuring appears and a word in red appears. It is written, Die!

I became suprised that I shouted a little. I'm scared of scary things.
Then someone ran inside the quiet library.

It was Carlo. He asked worried, Are you ok? I replied fastly, I'm okay! I just became suprised!

He asked, What are you researching for? I answered, I'm researching about Woman Suffrage at 1852 but when I entered a website, It creeped out!

He understands it and says, I know a website about that, I'll show it to you...

He got a chair from another table and putted it beside me. He sitted and typed a website.

Then a woman suffrage details appeared at the screen. He said, So this is it. I replied, Thank you! I then wrote the details in a short bond paper.

He says, You're welcome and I'm also researching for woman suffrage. Then we copied the details in a short bond paper.

After copying, We said our goodbyes and splited places.

(Time Skip:At my room)

I'm on my room waiting for myself to fall asleep. Today's happenings are so hard but over-all they're fun a little.

Being the Student Council President is so hard. I need to be busy always but sometimes because of our hard work, we get awarded.

Then a thing stopped my mind from thinking. Carlo! I think I have a crush a little for him... Before I know it, A beep from my phone ringed. I opened it, it was a message from Mrs. Alma!

She says, Listen students! We had no class tomorrow and the other day! Whoever forgots this message will have minus on grades so remember this!

I chuckled a little about her message. She's always this strict but she only does it for the sake of her students. At the truth, She was a caring teacher in heart.

Without noticing, I fell asleep deeply without no dreams. Just a normal sleep. Thanks no class tomorrow!

Finished Chapter 8 now. Note: I finished this at school during recess and it's so loud here. Ok I'll say goodbye now! See ya!

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