Author's Note

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So, here we go! Introducing The Rogue Tribe! I have the description here for anyone who wants to read it. But even if you've already read it, stick around to read the author's note in bold underneath the description! ;)


An old enemy resurfaces suddenly and violently during a seemly peaceful time in Araluen, and Will and Halt are, once again, right in the thick of it. Halt struggles with a personal decision, and Will tries to take on a new responsibility as more danger unfolds, and suddenly the whole Ranger Corps is threatened. Can Will and Halt outthink their enemies one last time? Or is this the end for Halt?
Read The Rogue Tribe to find out.

If you haven't read any of my previous works, go check out The Battle of Mackindaw  and  The Surprise Siege!

Disclaimer -- I do not own any of the characters, they are all John Flanagan's characters. I only own the plot and any characters I create.


Hey guys! First off, thanks so much much for reading this! Just a few quick things: if you have not read any of my other works before, you should go check them out! They are called The Battle of Mackindaw, and The Surprise Siege. Also, if you haven't read the original Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan, you might not understand everything in this story, so I suggest reading them first.

As you read this, please vote and comment and let me know what you think about it. And of course, typos and grammar errors always happen, no matter how hard I try to edit them all out. If you see any sort of error, grammar, spelling, anything, please comment and let me know so that I can fix it.

The first chapter should be up and posted soon! Thanks so much for reading, and enjoy the story!

The Rogue Tribe - Ranger's ApprenticeWhere stories live. Discover now