Chapter 6: Don't Lose Hope

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Will's eyes widened. "The Temujai? How - "

"For the last time, Will, I don't know. But I do know that we all need to move now, or else we are all going to die. Now are you ready?"

Will forced back his questions, and swallowed hard. "Yes. What's the plan?"

"Well, unfortunately there aren't really many options. I was thinking something along the lines of everyone running at the same time." He squinted off towards the forest. "There are several paths through the forest that should be small enough to conceal this amount of people."

Will's eyes widened. "Really? That's your plan? Run and hope for the best?"

Halts glared at him angrily. "Oh, please, if you have any better suggestions, let me know." He glanced across the way to where Gilan was. He waved at him, making a few hand gestures. Gilan nodded, and started whispering harshly to the Rangers with him. Halt turned back to Will. "You remember the Gathering emergency protocols?"

"Yes, but - "

"We don't have time for this. The longer we wait, the more people are going to die. I don't know why these Temujai are attacking us, but the fact that they knew where our Gathering was is very disturbing to me. Will," he spoke softer now, putting a hand on Will's shoulder. "I need you to take all the Rangers to Castle Araluen. The King must be notified of this immediately. There will be a lot wounded. Get them all there as safely as possible, and work with the King. Don't come back, do you understand?"

Will gaped at him. "What, do you think I'm just going to leave you here with who knows how many bloodthirsty Temujai on your tail, completely alone? And besides, what will you be doing while I'm gone?"

"You won't be leaving me alone. I'll regroup with Crowley or Gilan, or anyone who I know I can trust to make it out. I'm going to track these blasted Temujai and find out how they found us."

"You can't do that alone, or even just with Crowley!"

"Yes, I can, and I'm going to. And you're going to get the Rangers to Duncan."

Will's hands tightened on his bow, his knuckles turning white. "But what if - "

"If nothing. You're going to need all the help you can get, that's why I'm only taking Crowley."

Will's eyes widened and he grabbed Halt's shoulder, the first hint of his fear showing on his face. "Can't someone else do it? Why can't I stay with you?"

Halt leaned in close, hissing furiously, "Because you're the only one I can trust to lead them all."

Will sat back, his mouth gaping like a fish. Me? I'm the only one he trusts? How can that be? "Halt... Are you sure?"

Halt leaned in again and whispered in a softer, more gentle voice, "I don't know anyone else who could do this, except for you. And I know you can do it, without me."

Will nodded numbly. Without Halt. "But are you really sure? Are you certain you don't want me to stay - "

"I have never been more certain about anything in my entire life." Halt held Will's eyes for a long moment, his former apprentice's eyes widening as everything registered. Halt let his head drop, sighing briefly. "Now are you ready?"

Will nodded, and when Halt glanced back up at him, there was a determination in his eyes, one Halt had seen many times before: when they were sent to kill the Kalkara, when he lead the archery force in Skandia, and when he set off into the Arridi desert to search for Tug. Now, many years later, that same fire still lit up Will's eyes as he accepted and curbed his fear into the driving force that made him such a good Ranger. He's better than I ever was, thought Halt. And that's a damn good thing, too, because otherwise I would be alone right now. Alone, and probably long dead.

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