Chapter 2: ...Of A Different Kind

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Araluen, a few months later...

That same sun was just starting to touch the tops of the distant hills in western Araluen, and the light breeze picked up as Tug and Abelard's hooves stepped lightly over the brittle leaves. They plodded together along the small path in the sun-dappled forest, the light turning a shade of orange and casting their two riders' faces in a strange glow. Will and Halt both sat astride their horses, their bows slung comfortably up on their shoulders and their cloaks pulled aside as the warmth of the day faded, discussing their plan.

" said something about going original? How original are we talking?"

"As original as one gets. Don't you remember the first time you went to a Gathering? We got him then." Halt ducked and brushed aside a few branches that hung over the path.

"Oh, so you mean original, as in, the first Gathering I ever went to. Wasn't that the one where we got called away to deal with the Kalkara?"

"Yes, but more to the point, that was the one where we got Gilan really good."

"I see..." Will trailed off as he recalled that fateful day. "So... You want me to hide in a tree again? But since we already did it, isn't that a little old?"

"Old? It's not old to reuse a successful plan. It's old to keep asking these pointless questions." Halt ducked under another low hanging tree limb and scowled as his tired muscles ached at the movement.

"They aren't pointless, you know that. I, for one, definitely don't want to hide in a tree again. I have a feeling Gilan might actually recognize the plan if he sees you kneeling on the trail again, like you did last time."

"He won't recognize it, it was so long ago he probably forgot about the whole thing anyway."

"But you can't be sure. I vote no."

"And I vote yes, so we have a problem." Halt paused for a second in mock thought. "But... since I am the senior Ranger - "

"Oh, don't you try to pull rank on me. You know full well I have enough years in the Corps that I could be considered a senior Ranger, and I've had enough years for a while now."

"Yes, but I have more years than you do, therefore we should go with my plan - "

"The number of years doesn't matter, and your seniority doesn't mean your plans are superior to mine - "

"Alright, alright," Halt put his hands up defensively. "Fine. I'm not saying we're going with your plan, but I suppose I'm willing to at least hear you out."

Will rolled his eyes. "Finally. Alright, so I was thinking - "

"Always a dangerous - "

"Don't say it. Are you going to let me finish or not?"

Halt frowned, miffed that his trademark reply had been interrupted, and grumbled under his breath, not replying. Will took that as a sign to continue.

"So I was thinking that we should hide Tug and Abelard in that special thicket of trees right near the campsites, and then go back out and hide in the dense brush along the road we know Gilan will be coming from. Then, when he rides by, we get him."

Halt raised an eyebrow. "That's it?"

Will narrowed his eyes at Halt. "That's it."

Halt, in turn, narrowed his eyes, but said grudgingly, "Fine, I suppose it's as good as any other option. But before you get all cheerful, I have a suggestion."

Will, who had broken out into a wide grin at Halt's previous decision, said lightly, "Fine. So long as the suggestion isn't to completely change the plan."

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