Map and Sneak Peek!!!

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Here's a second map for you, this one is just of Araluen and the surrounding countries for your personal reference.

No, this isn't Chapter One... But I think it's just as good. Maybe better. You should read it and decide for yourself. Important news at the end! ;)


Alyss saw the small crowd of people standing inside the courtyard and knew immediately something was very wrong.

The clump of people, numbering around thirty, was surrounded by one of the elite squads of the Royal Guard. The uniformed men stood in a tight circle, not letting passerby into the center. They stood fiercely in a tight formation, their spears hefted, silently threatening anyone who tried to come near. Why would they have a heavy armed guard in the middle of Araluen Castle? Isn't this one of the safest places in the whole country? Near the center of the group stood a surprisingly large group of men in green-gray cloaks, at least five, maybe more. She couldn't count or recognize them from this distance, but they were all huddled in the center of the circle with their exhausted mounts. Another taller figure, whom she recognized as the King, stood in the middle of the group engaged in what looked like an intense conversation with one of the Rangers. Other soldiers, as well as palace scouts and guards, stood around inside the guarded area. Alyss skimmed the group one last time, and then she saw it. A long, canvas-wrapped bundle about the size of a man was strapped to the back of one of the horses, and she immediately knew what it was:  a body.

Will, she thought. I have to find Will.

She leapt into action, running across the battlements and practically flying down the stairs, shouldering people out of the way. She burst out into the main level of the courtyard and made a beeline for the group. There was a small crowd gathered nearby, watching what was happening, and they all gasped as she dashed through them, sending some unfortunate ones sprawling. She ran up to one of the Royal Guards, saying breathlessly, "I need to get in there, my - my husband - "

"Miss, I'm going to have to ask you to step back now." The guard held up a hand, barring her way.

"Please, sir, I'm one of the Ranger's wife. I need to see him." She tried to glance up over his shoulder, but he leaned over her.

"Miss, how should I believe you? I'm ordered not to let anyone in, and that includes you, 'Ranger's wife' or not. Now, please, step back and be on your way." He extended an arm and put his hand on her shoulder, gently propelling her away. But she resisted, brushing off his hand and speaking more urgently.

"Please, sir, I swear! Just ask any of the Rangers, they'll most likely know who I am."

The guard raised an eyebrow. "Most likely?"

Alyss looked at him pleadingly. The guard pursed his lips, and then finally turned away, whispering something to the guard next to him, as he went inside the group for a moment. He returned shortly after with a cloaking figure walking behind him. It was Berrigan, one of the Rangers Will and worked with during his earlier years at Seacliff. She glanced down inconspicuously at his peg leg, and then up at his face as he spoke.

"Lady Alyss, is that you?" Berrigan asked politely from behind the soldier. She was momentarily puzzled, she had never seen or heard a Ranger act in such a... Cautious, even terrified manner. But she quickly dismissed it as her thoughts flew back to Will. 

She nodded. "Ranger, I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting." She held out a hand, and Berrigan shook it. She couldn't help but notice that when she extended her hand, the guards on either side tensed up for a moment.

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