Chapter 1: Vengeance...

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The Eastern Steppes

The sun set over the foothills of the Eastern Steppes early at this time of year. The many-layered shadows cast across the landforms were massive, peculiar, and awe-inspiring to the average onlooker. The Steppes, which were a series of large plateaus next to and on top of one another, serving as the Temujai's homeland, east of the large island nation of Nihon Ja on the mainland, were a sight rarely seen by anyone except the Temujai themselves. They carefully defended their land with their advanced military forces, and most anyone close enough to see the Steppes in their full glory didn't survive long enough to ponder its beauty.

But Commander Or'kam galloped across the flat sand, ignoring the vista, the heat, and the dust. His mount, short and barrel-chested, didn't seem like much at first glance. But when he ran like he was running right now, he was unmatched. But of course, his horse was only a little better than much of the rest of the Temujai military, and even the common folk's breeding stock were significantly more valuable than some of the fastest horses bred by other countries' finest horsemasters. Except, of course, those cursed, good for nothing bastards who stole our finest stock years ago. Those cursed Atabi... Or'kam shook his head in anger as the hateful thoughts filled his mind. I must get there faster. He nudged his mount, Kama, and he felt the little horse bunch up his muscles and push to an even faster gallop. Now they were flying across the plateau at an amazing speed, and the large fortress that just moments ago had seemed far off was suddenly not so distant.

Within another couple minutes, Or'kam came thundering up to the main gate, throwing aside the flap of his lightweight cloak to show his shirt sleeve, revealing strips of colored cloth and badges pinned to it. These were his identification markings and colors that showed his rank as a Kaijin and a deputy commander. As soon as the guards saw his rank, they stood aside and allowed him through the gate without a second glance. His cloak fell back over his arm as he blew past the guards and started up the ramp. The large fortress was the foremost military base of the Eastern Steppes, sitting at the topmost level of the highest plateau. It was comprised of a series of low ceilinged box-shaped buildings that sat on separate levels of the plateau, with large moveable ramps connecting them. There were large defensive catapults and other large installations in the massive walls that went all the way around the fortress, the only way in being through the main gate which Or'kam had just passed through.

Or'kam slowed Kama as they neared the top of the ramp, which lead to the largest building in the fortress. He slowed to a stop just outside the door, and dismounted quickly. He glanced up as he heard someone approaching. It was a young boy, probably a resident in training. He hissed angrily, "Khüü! End irj!" The boy looked up and his eyes widened as he realized who was speaking to him, and then he became afraid as he saw the terrible hatred and anger in his eyes. The terrified boy came just as Or'kam had commanded, and he shoved Kama's reins into his hands, hissing, "Do not let go." The boy nodded timidly, and Or'kam whipped away with a flourish of his cloak and pulled the door open. He strode into the small inner room, not even stopping to remove his boots or clean off the dust from his clothing and hands like normal protocol would require. He brushed past the guards, who gave him puzzled looks, but seeing the marks on his arm, quickly turned away and stood at attention as he flew by. He pushed open the main doors and stormed down the long room. It had a low ceiling, and the walls were made of stones and hardened clay bricks, along with tar to fill in the cracks and waterproof it. There were beautiful woven cloths made of silk threads all over the walls and large cherrywood looms in the corner, where young girls sat weaving more expensive and extravagant tapestries. He was walking across a long cloth spread out on the packed stone, trampling dust all over it. Farther down the room stood a large table made of a huge flat piece of wood cut cleanly and polished until smooth by the hands of many who had used it a hundred years before. Across the table lay another beautiful cloth, depicting a battle between what Or'kam assumed to be the Temujai and some other foe. But as he approached the table, his eyes lifted from the tapestry to the man standing behind it, surrounded by a few other military officers. He wore ornate silk robes over lightweight leather armor, and a long saber hung from his belt. The other men with him wore only lightweight armor and sabers, and they all had stopped their quiet chatting to stare at Or'kam who had so rudely barged into the room. But Or'kam was so caught up in his anger that he almost slammed his hands down on the table, but he caught himself at the last minute, stopping a meter from the table. He bowed low with his fist across his chest, murmuring, "Sha'sham. I have something I must speak to you about urgently."

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