Chapter 18: The Gold

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Will, Halt, and Crowley all crested the last hill overlooking Castle Araluen. The castle glowed invitingly in the mid-morning light, casting dramatic shadows and making the tips of the towers glisten like icing on a cake. The windows were dark, but even from this distance, Will could tell that the courtyard was packed with people. The scout on top of the tower suddenly waved his arms and scampered down from his perch, where he disappeared from view. "Well, now they know we're here," muttered Crowley. Halt glanced back behind them to see an extra horse with a large bundle tied securely to its back. "Is our friend still breathing back there? Or can we dump his body?"

During the night after they had defeated the Temujai, the three Rangers had restrained the last of the Temujai, rigged up a stretcher for Or'kan, and quickly delivered them to the nearest fief castle's dungeons, where they would be judged and transferred at a later date. They had also stayed for a few hours at this castle, where Will and Halt saw a doctor to clean them up a little. The doctor also helped set Or'kan's back so that everything was realigned, although he could do nothing for the paralysis. Or'kan had cracked and bent several bones in his back, and no matter how much he healed, he would never walk again. Now they lead the horse carrying the Temujai's limp body behind the three of them. The Temujai leader had been unconscious for most of the trip, but he occasionally awoke, and Will had given him a little water. Better not let him die too quickly, thought Will. "He's still breathing. Unfortunately."

They covered the last of the dirt path and hit the drawbridge, the four horses clip clop clip clop on the hard, hollow wood. As Will neared the open gate, a sudden thought struck him, and he couldn't suppress the whispered, "Oh, damn it," that escaped his lips.

Halt looked at him curiously. "Will? Something wrong?"

Will could only shake his head. Everyone in the courtyard was visible, and he didn't want to start anything now. "It's too late to explain. But be prepared; the King is about to get very angry at me."

Halt's eyebrows soared to nearly his hairline. "What? Why?"

"Just never mi - "


Will sighed. It was the King.

King Duncan stalked through the crowd of people, his body parting them like sardines away from a shark, and a hush fell over the entire courtyard. Out of the corner of his eye Will could see Halt glancing around, obviously confused. But when he refocused he started as the King's face was suddenly right in front of his own.

The King gazed at him for a long moment, his eyes holding so many emotions that Will struggled to follow them all. They were all rapid-fire and fleeting, bleeding into one another: anger, rage, frustration, worry, anxiety, profound relief... Without any warning, he abruptly broke eye contact and looked over at Halt, who was watching the whole proceeding with an air of confusion, bewilderment, and skepticism. "I don't think I've ever been happier to see you, Halt, in all our years of knowing each other. I don't know what exactly it is that you did yet, but I can tell by you and Will's battered physical state, the broken man in the stretcher behind you, and the lack of enemies advancing on our walls that you have succeeded against all odds. You are to be welcomed home with open arms, and by the looks of it, you need a nap and perhaps some medical attention. Pauline?" Out of the crowd appeared Pauline, ethereal as ever in her traditional white gown, and Halt gingerly slid off Abelard and staggered into her arms, thoughts of the King forgotten. The crowd around them cheered and started to disperse, having seen the sweet and romantic reunion they had been waiting for.

Will watched Halt embrace his wife and couldn't help but feel the sweetest sense of relief. He had spent a lot of time during the last few days wondering if Pauline would never see Halt again, much less be able to hold him like this now. He felt as if he were floating in a dream, a dream he had never thought would come true because of the extreme danger they'd faced.

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