Chapter 19

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We walked out of textiles laughing our heads off at how unproductive and stupid we where being. I was back to crying from laughter when I felt hands on my face and it went dark. I scream and felt the people near me look at me even though I couldn't see.

"Guess who?" I heard a low voice say from behind me.

"Josh, seriously you do this everyday." The hands lifted and the light came flooding back into my eyes.

"Yeah but you scream every time its great." He came and joined us and we walked in a line back to our lockers.

"Pft." I say

"You know I love you." He put his arm around my shoulders and I grabbed it and mocked being his girlfriend. We saw Brooklyn heading the other way when we turned a corner and he saw us.

"Mr Steal yo girl." Josh sang.

"F*ck off." Brooklyn nodded. Josh put his hands up jokingly and Brooklyn resumes his place next to me. We where almost at our lockers when Abi and Josh got called over to speak to a teacher which left Brooklyn and me alone.

I went to go and undo my lock and Brooklyn stood their standing as if he was trying to say something. "Go on spit it out."

"Ok, umm, your not doing anything these holidays right?"

"No." I extended my words to try and get it out of him.

"Well, I was wondering if, because you know I asked my parents and they said it'd be ok an-."

"BROOKLYN!" I slammed my locker closed with a smile.

"Ok! Ok! I was wondering if you wanted to come to our holiday house for a week of the holidays?" It was getting near the holidays and I wasn't going anywhere because it still hadn't been long since we moved to London I knew that Brooklyn was going down to his holiday house but Abi and Josh where staying so I was just gonna hang with them.

"Yeah sounds cool. What was so hard about that?"

"Well, because there are two bedrooms and Romeo and Cruz want to be together, we gonna have to sleep together." I just gave him a weird look. "No, no, no, not in the same bed just the same room." He face palmed himself.

"Yeah thats fine."

"Ok cool." He put his stuff away in his locker.

"Come on lets go find, Abi, Josh and Hugo."

"Hugo's not here, he's pretty sick."

"Well Abi and Josh then, come on stop delaying you slow poke." I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards me he smiled which was the first time I'd seen him smile the past 5 minutes. "You need to loosen up."

"Oi leave me alone alright that was stressful k?"

"Whatever." I say as I put his arm around my shoulders and continue walking to the year.

"Wonder where Abi and Josh have disappeared to." We couldn't find them when we joined with the year and so we just decided to walk around the school together while we waited to go to home room.

"What do you like about art so much?" Brooklyn asked after it had been silent for a while.

"I don't know its just sort of fun, way of escaping."


"In our old house we got the basement done up and so it was like a room but, it was really quite away from where everyones room was. I decided to do some paint one night and I got my table and all my stuff, closed the door and put my speaker on and played my music really loud. I was in their all night. I had drawn the curtains and I saw the sun peaking through. I had painted all night, and it had felt like an hour."

"Woah, I want to see you do it sometime." He paused. "Bring some stuff to my holiday house. You can teach me."

"Okay but just know that when I teach you your not gonna get it straight up. I tried to teach Christina and she got mad cus she couldn't do it like me and she gave up."

"Trust me, I'll be right." The bell went off and we headed to R12 where the rest of our homeroom and Ms Mitchell was waiting for us.

"Morning Ms Mitchell." We said as we walked in and took a seat on the tables. Ms Mitchell was young and everyone really liked her so we just played games all of homeroom rather than doing what we where supposed to be doing which was all the 'character building' sh*t that our year adviser wanted us to be doing.

"Ms Mitchell, you have a ring!" Georgia yelled after she noticed. It was soon followed by every girl getting up and wanting to see it. "OMG he proposed." "How'd it happen?" "Was it romantic?" "Let me see!" So many questions where being thrown at her by everyone including me.

"Yes I am soon to be Mrs Wells. And he proposed on the end of the pier as the sun setted it was beautiful."

"Awww." We all sang. All us girls where sitting around Ms Mitchell and the boys where just sitting where they were not fussed at all.

"The ring is so pretty." I told her.

"Thank you Immy. Ok everyone now we are done with that we have something we need to talk about." We all retuned to our seats and I went back to Brooklyn. There where groans going around the class room.

"Camp." She said and my face just dropped, and horrible memories came flooding back.


Please comment your thoughts. I'd love to hear what you have to say so I can keep making the story better.


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