Chapter 3

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"I am so sorry, you have another one right?" It was Brooklyn. "Oh right you just got it, omg now I am really sorry. Was that the only one they gave you?"

"Yeah is all g though, I'll just go back and ask for another one."

He laughed "Your so chill, I like you." That made me blush a little but he didn't notice. He was examining my timetable, well what was left of it, so I grabbed it off of him a threw it in nearby bin.

"We have a lot of classes together, you know? Well of what I could read."

"I better get back and grab another one." I said turning away.

"I'll come with you." He jumped in.

"Don't you have class?" I said confused.

"Nah, that's why I was coming here, we are supposed to have a sub but they haven't turned up yet, so I came to track them down."

"Why don't you just leave it, free period?" We started walking back.

"It's against the school policies."

"Wow, we got a rebel over here." I say gesturing and saying sarcastically.

"Nah but you don't understand, last time a class did that a teacher found out and they entire class got detention for a week!"

"Woah, strict much."

"Yeah, I know right."

I did a little curtsy playfully as he bowed while he opened the door.

"Uhh, Mrs Clark?" He asked.

"I accidentally ran into Immy here while she was getting to class and she dropped her timetable into a puddle, so could she please have another one?" What a gentlemen.


"Imogen Woodrow." I said leaning over the desk slightly.

"Here you go, please don't drop this one."

"I won't, thanks." We where about to turn and leave when I punched him in the stomach.

"Ow what was that for?" He asked holding his stomach, to be honest it probably was a bit hard, having an older brother and plenty of older boy cousins you learn to punch hard.

"You had something to ask as well."

"Right thanks."

"One last thing, our class doesn't have a teacher, Science 1 in Lab 3."

"I'll see to it you have a teacher soon."

"Thank you Ms Clark." We both said.

"God, she's scary." I said once I was sure we where out of earshot.

"Yeah I know right but she gets better. She actually gave me an ice-pack once."

I laughed, he was funny, I think I am gonna be good friends with Brooklyn.

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Please comment your thoughts, I would really appreciate it. All to a make the story better!

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