Chapter 21

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"OMG I am so excited." We had organised all the details and we where gonna hold it this weekend at mine. We talked to David and Victoria about it and they said they would cater it and hire a DJ. This was gonna be awesome.

When I got home I ran straight to my room threw my bag away and sent out and invite to everyone, with the help of Abi and Josh because they had known him longer. By the time we had finished we had sent out over 100 invites to all of Brooklyn's friends.

"Why are you looking so happy?" I walked into the kitchen for dinner with a grin spreading across my face.

"We are having a party here for Brooklyn's b-day and that reminds me you can't be here." I pointed to Liam, Christina and Emma.

"Why?" They all chorused.

"Well because, your gonna complain and be annoying, go to your friends house or something."

"Ahhh." Mary cried. Dad put his hand on her stomach, she was holding it. I rolled my eyes, she had such a low tolerance for pain. She cried when she scraped her leg yesterday, she brushed it against the cupboard door.

I took my seat away from Mary. "Now for this party Immy, do we need to get anything?" Mary asked clenching her teeth, I could see her eyes glistening from welling up.

"Nope, David and Victoria are doing everything. They will arrive a few hours earlier and set everything up." I said blandly, not making eye contact.

"Well, can we block off upstairs so they don't go up?"

"Sure." I stuffed a spoonful in my mouth. The room was quiet while everyone ate.

"Can I be excused?" Christina asked as the put her cutlery on her bowl.

"Can I be as well?" I said following her as she stood up.

"Sure." Dad spoke. We put our bowls in the washer and followed each other out to our rooms.

When we where at the stairs Christina ran ahead of me and turned around and stopped me.

"What are you gonna wear?"

"I don't know." I tried to get passed her but she kept following me.

"Come on thats not an answer."

"Probably just something I already have."

"Nuh uh, you need to wow as the host, trust me. Lets go." She took my hand and darted up the stairs and into my room. She turned on the lights from my wardrobe and motioned for me to sit.

"Ok what do you have?" She slid hangers over inspecting each one. I just lay back on my phone to check rsvp's. "None of this is good enough."

"Thanks Chris, what do you suggest?" I say sarcastically. She left and went to her room, I got up to close my door when she burst through the door again almost knocking me off my feet. She began rummaging around in my cupboard again. I returned to my phone.

"Ok, this top, this skirt, these shoes, black tights, and i'm gonna do your hair in a waterfall braid." It was a cropped maroon spaghetti strap top, a cream skirt and my black ankle boots. "It's perfect."

"I actually love it. But should I wear the dress Brooklyn got me?" I went and grabbed the navy skater dress Brooklyn got me and held it up.

"No you've already worn that plenty of times. This he'll really love. And you can wear a push-up bra too." I laughed. "I'm serious after I heard dad on the phone I told them that that I'd supervise the party and that they could go out, they'll be long gone so you can wear what you want."

"I'm not trying to impress anyone." I explained putting the dress away and Christina's outfit on my chair.

"Yeah but you wanna make all the boys jealous that they aren't dating you and make Brooklyn want you even more. Besides you rock spaghetti straps because your more tanned than any of them being from Australia."

"True true." I said smugly.

"What are you gonna do for your make up?"

"Ok I appreciate you picking an outfit for me but I think I can do my makeup."

"You gonna go simple or fancy?"

"Simple probably." I stutter rushing her out the door.

"I can teach you to do a smokey eye." I stopped and looked at her, I've always wanted to do a smokey eye. "There we go ok wheres your make up?" She headed into the bathroom and grabbed every last piece of makeup she could.

We ended up spending the remainder of the night just playing around, it was fun and now I was so ready for this party.

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