Chapter 7

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This morning on the bus it was just Brooklyn, Abi and Hugo. Hugo had his arm around Abi and jokingly Brooklyn put his arm around me when I sat down. I played along and held his hand when it was on my shoulder. He pulled away but for that short moment it felt right, I've never had that feeling with someone I barely know before.

Brooklyn POV

It was just a joke but I pulled away because I thought it would be awkward, it felt good though holding her.

"Why didn't you call me yesterday, I didn't even hear from you after you asked?" Immy asked me.

"My phone got confiscated, I to spend time with my brothers."

"Oh right, I thought you just forgot."

"I would never forget." After I said that I immediately regretted it, it sounded so weird.

"Well aren't you such a gentlemen." She said in a posh British accent.

Abi and Hugo where just having there own conversation so I decided to tell her.

"Immy, I need to tell you something, I don't want to keep it a secret and I though I should tell you before you found out for yousel-"

"Woah slow down I know already, your a Beckham."

"Did you know when you first met me."

"No, long story short, I was watching TV with my sister and she asked why I kept checking my phone, so she asked who it was and I said Brooklyn and she googled you and yeah so sorry."

"Oh right."

Immy's POV

He looked a bit disappointed.

"Look it's not gonna change what I think of you, it won't make me want to be any less or any more of your friend."

"Really, thats a first. Most people either don't want to be friends with me because of it or wanna be really good friends. Eventually after a while though I ended up with a good bunch of friends. Thanks." He looked away and smiled to himself.

"No probs." The bus stopped and the day went on and nothing really happened until lunch.


I was just walking to the lawn with Brooklyn when I could hear Cecelia yelling.

Brooklyn must have heard them to. "What she on about now?" We had a quick laugh to ourselves before we turned the corner and see Josh with Cecelia.

"He sure is copping it, wonder what he did?" I said to Brooklyn. We went and sat down with the others, ironically I had popcorn. I sat down on a bench put my feet up on the opposite one and started eating my popcorn watching the drama as a joke. Everybody laughed and Cecelia turned to see what the commotion was about, she saw me and her face just blew up. She stormed off.

"Whoops." I put my feet down and tugged at my collar.

"Gosh she really hates you."

"Sorry Josh I really shouldn't have done that, I should of stayed out of it."

"Nah I'm glad you did it I was sick of her f*ucking yapping." He made a gesture with is hands mocking her.

"Sorry to ask but, what was that about?" Brooklyn asked Josh as he sat down.

"I broke up with her, and I am so glad I did. Its a huge f*cking blonde weight lifted of our shoulder." He laughed and started eating Brooklyn food.

"I kinda feel sorry for her though. I mean me and Lily where really her own friends." Rosie said.

"Yeah but she only had you guys because she's a b*tch and you tolerated her." Josh responded. It was pretty silent until Abi spoke.

"Hey Immy, were all going out to lunch on the weekend, you wanna come?"

"Yeah sure where?"

"A little cafe called Room 11." She answered.

"Oh yeah I know where that is. It's just around the corner from my house.

"Really same, where do you live?" Brooklyn asked

"25 Maguire Rd."

"That's a couple of minutes from my house, I'll meet you at yours at 12:30 and we can walk together."

"Yeah cool, what day is this?"

"Sunday." Josh repsonded.

"Awesome I'll be there." The bell went off.


I was walking out of school because I stayed after and as I was almost at the gate I hear and unmistakable voice.

"YOU!" I turned around Cecelia was heading straight for me. Her finger pressed against me chest she pushed me back slightly.

"It was all fine until you turned up. You turned all my friends against me, and now Josh has broken up with me. And all you can do is joke and make them laugh at me."

"Look, Josh breaking up with you had nothing to to with me, and maybe if you stopped acting like a b*tch for once people may actually like you."

"Don't you talk to me like that." She was standing back and I could see her tearing up. I went to try and comfort her.

"Hey look I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No! Don't talk to me, you f*cking c*nt. You've just made my life miserable. Is this how your mother raised you to treat people?"

"Don't f*cking dare talk to my parents like that." I clenched my fist and raised it. I was about to punch her when someone grabbed my arm.

"Woah woah calm down." It was Brooklyn.

"Cecelia, I'm sorry I didn't me-"

"Just please leave me alone." She lowered arms after protecting her face and walked away.

"Brooklyn don't think I would ever intentionally hurt someone like that, I ... I ... It's just my mum is a really sensitive subject. Thank you for stopping me, I just really feel so bad." I started to cry and I bowed my head and wiped my eyes. I felt arms around me. Brooklyn was giving me a hug so I hugged him back.

"Hey it's ok, it's ok." He was really comforting. It felt right. I stopped crying but I know my mascara had run and my eyes where puffy. I pulled away.

"Thanks Brooklyn." I say sniffling.

"Hey, no problem." He was still rubbing my back.

"I look ridiculous now." I laughed trying to clean myself up a bit.

"You look beautiful."

Brooklyn POV

I don't know why I said that it just felt right to say. She looked up and we locked eyes. I couldn't stop myself I leant in and kissed her.

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Please comment your thoughts, I would really appreciate it. All to a make the story better!

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