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I walk into my house expecting my mom to be home, but she isn't. All that is there is the sound of silence.

She's probably out drinking with her friends.

Not having anything else to do, I decide to make myself a sandwich and watch some TV. Just as I sit down, I suddenly I get a call from my girlfriend, Casey.

"Hey Anthony," she says playfully.

"Hey, so what do you want to do on this fine evening," I say.

"Come over to my house I want to show you something," she replies.

"Okay," I say excitedly.

I stop everything I'm doing and grab the keys to my car. Casey is amazing and I love spending time with her. I still remember our 3 month anniversary, at the movies. She loves movies; she would sit and talk about movies for hours with me. She and I talked about how much we loved the movie Jaws and how they should never try to remake it.


"All I'm saying is that it's a classic, and whenever they try to remake a classic it turns out shitty," She says as we start walking out of the movie theater. 

"Yeah I agree with you on that, but what about the movie Titanic?" I ask her.

"No, they shouldn't even begin to even consider remaking that movie," She laughs.

"I just don't like the ending. They should have been able to stay together. He shouldn't have died at the end," I whined.

"Well, it's just not real life," She says.

"What's not real life?" I ask.

"Them being together in the end. Couples usually don't stay together forever, I mean we live in the USA the divorce rate is really high too" She says simply while shrugging her shoulders.

"Why are you so cynical? I mean, we would stay together," I say quietly.

After I said that simple sentence she kisses me on the lips. I don't want this moment to end.

"I think we might be the uncommon exception," she says, pulling away from the kiss.

She's so beautiful. She has long golden, blonde hair and a smile that would light up a room.

End of Flashback

My car pulls up at her house and I see the front door slightly ajar. Her car is left with all the doors open I dash over to the car. When I make it to the car I see blood soaked in the drivers seat. Then I see something about the size of a fist on the seat its soaked in blood and when I realize that its a heart I flip my shit.  

I bolt into the house and scream her name as loud as my lungs will let me.

"Casey!" I call out.

No reply. My apprehension grows.

I run up the stairs to her bedroom. My stomach turns over, threatening to empty itself all over the floor. She's laying on her bed, red everywhere. There's something spilling out of her torso and there is a whole in her chest someone butchered her like she was a pig. I gag, but nothing comes out. 

"Casey!" I cry again.

I go up to her crying holding the one person I cared about deeply. her heart is completely out of her chest and she is now a lifeless corpse, her eyes are blank and filled with nothingness. I feel numb like out of this reality. This can't be going on right now this can't be real. 

 "Casey, hey wake up please," I scream. 

With shaking hands, I call 911, but just as I do, a person with a plain white mask comes out from underneath her bed. Slowly they walk towards me. 

"Why did you kill her?," I shout at them, my voice breaking. 

All I can think right now is that this isn't real it can't be. This has to be a very well planed elborate prank or something. 

"Because it was fun," they say. Their voice was raspy, almost unnatural.

I run to go tackle them to the ground but when my hands make contact with them, I feel a blade pierce my shoulder and I plunge to the ground, writhing in agony. 

"See you soon Anthony," The person says as they walk out of the room, leaving me to bleed out on the ground.

Everything goes black as I slip into what seems to be a deep never ending sleep.

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