Chapter 11

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"Where is she", I scream. 

"You have to decide Emily or Mia", the voice says.

"Without even thinking I say,"Don't hurt Emily'.

"As you wish", the voice says. 

Then the person hung up and I started to run to the water slide. After what feels like ages I finally get up to the top. When I get there I see Mia tied up with duct tape on her mouth. I start to untie her and without a word we run down the stairs. 

"We have to save Emily", I say.

"Where is she", Mia says.

I then get a text that says to turn around. Standing behind us was the person in the white mask. There were holding a bloody hunting knife and I grab Mia and start to run. We run to the nearest building and lock the door. We then hear banging at the door. Then suddenly it goes quite. I quickly pull out my phone to call the cops. Then the banging at the door gets louder and we hear a familiar scream. "It's Emily", she says. We quickly open the door and she stumbles in holding her stomach. 

"Whats wrong?", I say. 

I then see that her hand is covered in blood. I then call 911 and try to stop the bleeding. After what seems like hours, we hear sirens.

"Everyone hands on your head", Yelled one of the officers getting out of his car. "Search the perimeter we have to find this guy", he told the other officers.

They put Emily on a stretcher and I go up to her. I see her for the first time clearly, her brown eyes started to fill with tears as she said,
"My knight in shining armor".

"I'm so sorry", I try to say but the words fumble out.

This is all my fault I think to my self. If I don't do anything someone gets hurt if i do someone gets hurt, I just don't get it. She then was put in the back of the Ambulances truck. I then get a text that says "Walk away from the police". I really don't want to do what they are telling me to do but I don't have that many options. I walk into a more secured area which was surprising because there was like 10 cops patrolling the area. I get a call and quickly answer it. 

"You called the cops, I told you not to", the voice said angrily. "But you got lucky, but next time you won't be so lucky. U have a few days to try and find me before I actually kill one of your friends. Goodbye Anthony", the voice said. 

That was weird I couldn't even get a word off. He/she sounded angry that I outsmarted them. Then I hear footstep and then I feel a gun at the back of my head.

"I got him Rowling", he says. 

Then I hear a bunch of cops run towards me. One said, "that is not him its just Anthony".

They then tell me to get in a cop car. I ask them where Mia is and they just told me she is on the way to the hospital. They then tell me I have to go to the station to answer some questions. On the ride there I start to ask my self a huge question who is next. With out even realizing it we get to the station. they take me to a private room and started to ask me questions. I answer all of truthfully except one, Have you been in contact with "the killer?" Detective Rowling walked into the room and told the person who was asking me all of those questions to leave. 

"Look kid, we just need you to tell us anything that will help us catch this person. Do u have any information that would help us catch the?", He says. 

I then reply, "No". After what seems like hours of questions I am able to leave. When I leave the station I see Nathan waiting for me by his car. 

"Hey asshole you couldn't have texted me to come with you guys to the water park. I could have helped you guys."

"I'm sorry I didn't want any body to get hurt but I guess couldn't prevent everybody from getting hurt", I say thinking of Emily. 

"This is not your fault Anthony", he says.

I get into the car and he drives us home. When we get their I tell him I'm going to go to sleep. When I'm sure he is i decide that I can't take anymore of this and decide that I have to get some answers. I drive over to Mia's house.

She answers the door. 

"What do you want", she says crying

"Why didn't you tell the cops that you were the last person Cassie, before she got murdered?", I say.

"You think I killed her?", she screams.

"Fuck you I didn't kill her. I cant believe you would think I would do this",She says.

"I'm sorry..."i try to say but she cuts me off with,"Get out of here just go."

She slams the door and I get back into my car. I start driving back to my house when I get a call.

"Hey Anthony. So you tried going to Mia's house for answers", the voice says. 

I look in the to see if there is any cars around me but there isn't any.

"How did you know I went to Mia's house?" I say.

"I have my ways" the voice says. 

"Why don't you face me are you too afraid to do that, take off that sorry ass mask of yours and face me" I say. 

"I plan to, but now is way too early. I'm going to have to gut some more of your friends before the big Finale", The voice laughs.

"Now who should I kill next?", The voice says.

"I found the perfect candidate, Nathan" The voice says and hangs up.

I drive so fast back to the house that I am amazed I didn't get into a wreck. When I get up to the house I see the paramedics wheel a body shaped bag in the back of their truck. I'm too late. I then get a text on my phone that says, "You can't ever win my game". I can't even think about the text my best friend is dead and because of me.

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