Chapter 15

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*Make sure to vote on this chapter and to comment on who you think the killer is!!!!!!

"No, come on stay with me!", I scream at Nathan.

I can't loose another person because of the decisions I make. It's been 15 minutes and there is still no cops or ambulance present. I know we are in the middle of nowhere but come on!!! Nathan is still alive but he is going in and out of conscience. Eric is desperately trying to stop Nathan from bleeding out.

"What should I do", I ask.

"Just stay there I think he will be fine", Eric says.

I then get a call and when I look at the caller ID I already know who is on the other side of the phone call.

"Hey Anthony", says the killer.

"Why did you stab Anthony", I ask.

"Because it was fun", the voice says.

"By the way, help better come in a few minutes or Nathan will be as good as dead.", they say.

"They will", I say.

I am able to somewhat stand up.

"Why do you torture me?", I ask.

"Same reason I stabbed your friend. Because it was fun!", they say.

"You're never going to get away with this", I tell them.

"They laugh and then say,"Who is next?".

I hang up the phone with an awful feeling in my stomach. Then I see a figure running into the nearby woods. I can't leave Nathan here so I just watch as the figure dissipates into the woods.

I look back at Nathan who is not looking good. His body is as still as a rock and his breathing has slowed down dramatically. Blood is everywhere and I can't really think straight seeing my friend like this. So I try to stay calm.

"Ok Nathan you're going to be ok", I tell him.

He then closes his eyes and I freak out. He's dead I think to myself.

"Stay with me, come on, please!",I scream desperately.

I can't lose anybody else. He's like my brother I just can't.

I hear the noise of sirens getting closer and closer. Then car doors open and close.

The paramedics push me aside and quickly put Nathan on a stretcher. I try to go with them but somebody stops me.

"Anthony You have to come to the police station now!", says rowling.

"Wait, we first have to bandage up his cut on his arm!", says a paramedic.

She sits me down and puts a bandage on my arm. After what seems like forever she finally is done with my arm.

"I have to make sure that Nathan is ok!", I tell Rowling.

"No we have to make sure you and your friend are safe", he says.

"Fuck you! If you really cared about me being safe you would put me on 24-hour surveillance for god sake! You know what you either let me in the ambulance or I'm running back into the hospital to go kill this son of a bitch. What is it going to be?" I ask.

"I'm not letting you go in the ambulance", says Rowling.

"Fine", I say.

I bolt inside the hospital, not knowing where I am going, when suddenly I feel someone grab me from behind and half drag and the half push me back outside. I look up to see who it was and to my surprise it was Rowling.

He then forces me and Eric into a police car and drives us away from the truth.

I can't believe I have to sit in the back of a police car while my best friend is probably dead by now. I am about to loose it. My heart feels like I am about to have a heart attack and I really can't believe how just a few months ago my life was normal but now I am riding in the back of a police car worrying about if my friend was going to life or die. I take very big and deep breaths to try to control my heart rate. It doesn't work.

As me and Eric are sitting in the back of the car Eric starts freaking out.

"What is wrong?" I ask.

"They can't check my car", he whispers to me.

"Why", I ask.

"They just can't ok", he says firmly.

"Well that doesn't sound suspicious at all", I say sarcastically.

"Eric, you know you can trust me. What are you hiding?", I ask.

"I, I was. I mean. I have some weed in my car", he whispers barely audible.

"Oh, I say", They probably won't check your car", I reassure him.

"But why would you worry your Eric, you will get away with anything.", I ask.

"Just drop it ok", he says.

"Ok", I say back to him.

He has to be hiding something else because Eric could care less if he got caught with weed. He always gets out of going to jail because he is filthy rich. So what could he be hiding?

We pull into the small police station. Our town doesn't really have that much crime so we don't really have a huge police force but I guess after this insadent they might need a upgrade.

We walk in and right away Rowling separates us. Eric was sent to one room and I was sent to another.

"Hurry up let's get on with this", I say to Rowling.

He asks me usual stuff like what happened at the hospital and stuff like that.

"So why do you think that Eric and Nathan show up right after the killer attacks you",he asked.

"You don't think Nathan or eric is the killer? Do you?" I ask.

"Well all I am saying is their timing was perfect", he says.

"You know your wrong", I say.

Then some cop burst into the room holding what looks like a plastic bag with a black jacket or something in it. He pulls it out. Then I see the something very familiar drop on the table in front of me. The white mask.

"Where did you get that from?" I ask.

No response. Then I shout, "Where did you get that from?"

"It was in Eric's car," he says.

*What?!?! Why was the mask in ERic's car? Is Nathan going to survive? And Who is the killer? Discuss all of this in the comments below!!!! (And don't forget to vote!!!!)

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