Chapter 13

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 I then hear sirens. The front door bursts open and police officers swarm the building.

"Drop the weapon", one of the cops says.

I don't, then I hear the sound of a gun go off.

I wake up sweating and shaking in bed. What kind of dream was that? I would never kill my friends but then again that's exactly what I am doing. I'm killing my friends every day by not catching the killer.

I walk downstairs and eat breakfast when I get a call from an unknown caller. I don't answer it and get ready for school.

I hear footsteps outside of my door and Nathan walks in.

"You're not going to school are you?", He says.

"Don't worry I will be fine", I say.

"You had a complete meltdown last night and I'm pretty sure they would understand if you miss school", He says.

I ignore him and put on my clothes and start driving to school. I get a text from Mia that reads,"I'm sorry that I yelled at you last night, I was a total bitch. Maybe we could get Starbucks after school today? My treat".

I reply back with a yes. I then get a call and answer it without even knowing who it is.

"You better answer me next time or one of your friends might die," says the voice.

"Stop, please just leave me and my friends alone!" I say.

"Well let's see who is up next on the cutting board,shall we?" the voice says.

"Leave me the fuck alone!!!!!" I scream while hanging up.

My car swerves out of the lane and almost hits a car. My heart feels like it is about to beat out of my chest. I'm so angry.

I pull into the school parking lot when I get a text that has a picture of my friends in it and is captioned, "Choose one".

I just ignore it and walk into the building.

I walk into the school commons and see Eric and Mia.

"Hey I'm really sorry what happened yesterday", Eric says.

"And we are here if you need to talk about anything", Mia says

"Thank you but I'm fine", I say.

The school seems to fly and I almost forget I have to meet Mia at Starbucks. I drive over to Starbucks and see her sitting by the window taking selfies.

"Hey ", I say.

"Here you go a Grande mocha frappuccino, your favorite," She says smiling.

"Thanks", I say.

"Wow, I can't believe I almost died. Luckily you were there to save me!", she says.

"I wasn't going to just let you die", I say.

"The guy or whoever was wearing the white mask did awful things to me that I can't even begin to explain," she says starting to tear up.

"It's ok your safe now", I say giving her a hug.

"What are you doing!!!!!", I hear a voice from across the cafe.

It's Eric standing looking pissed as I don't know what. He runs over to me and pushes me to the ground. He then punches me hard in my head and everything goes black. I wake up still on the ground. I see Eric towering over me and Mia telling him to calm down.

"Anthony. Are you okay?", says Mia.

"Yeah I think so," I say feeling dizzy.

"Eric, I can't believe you. Don't even talk to me anymore" she says firmly.

"If you ever put a finger on her I swear to god I will kill you", Says Eric.

I get to my feet with my head still pounding. I walk over to my car and get in.

"I then get a text that reads "Now you deserved that one for not choosing one of your friends to die. Now I'm going to have to make me choose and you probably won't like it."

I am somewhat able to drive home which is a miracle, with my head feeling like I just got by a metal baseball bat. I don't even know how I made it back.

I then go up to my room and just pass out on the bed.

I wake up the next morning with what feels like a weird liquid all over my feet. I pull off my blanket and see blood all over my legs. It looked like I just got slimed but with blood. I start to panic when I see a note that reads "Just a little bit of a heads up that is happening today".

Should I call the cops? I mean every time I call the cops it ends with me getting nowhere. So I don't. I'm not even going to let Nathan know about it. I just take my blankets and drive to a place that is in the middle of nowhere with a dumpster and throws it away. I then freak out realizing there is blood still on my clothes and I do the most logical thing. I take a lighter and burn the evidence of a crime that I didn't commit. I drive home and quickly take a shower and throw my clothes in the washer. I quickly get my clothes on and head out for school.

I realize that I have already missed 1 st hour so I decide to skip half a day and show up at lunch. I go to the mall and decide to just chill there for a few hours to get my mind off of things. After a two or 3 hours I get a Snapchat from Mia. I open it. It shows a video of me throwing away the bloody blankets and the caption read, "Caught red handed" and then it slowly turned the camera around and showed the white mask that had been haunting me in my sleep forever.

The mall is like an hour and a half drive from the school so I try to sleep there. I get there and luckily everyone is at lunch. I scan the cafeteria for my friends. I find them and run full speed to them.

"Where is Mia", I say out of breath.

"We haven't seen her all day", says Eric.

"I think she might be the killers new target", I tell them.

"Eric, when is the last time you saw her", I say.

"Well, the last time I saw her was at Starbucks then she got in her car and left", he says panicky.

I then get a call and quickly answer it and put it on speaker.

"I told you that if you didn't choose I would have to choose." says the voice.

"Where is she asshole", says Eric wordily.

"Now Eric is that a way you talk to your friend", the voice says.

"Eric what do they mean by friend?", I say.

Eric doesn't answer. Then suddenly the TVs in the cafeteria turn on but instead of school announcements it shows Mia laying on the ground of an all white, well lit, unfurnished, room. I notice that in the bottom corner it says Live. Mia wakes up and starts screaming for help. Then the person in the white mask shows up. Her screams get louder. I call 911 and tell them what's going on. I hang up and try to figure out where she is but its too late the killer stabs her in her shoulder. She screams in pain and tries to fight back but its useless. The killer then picks her up and throws her across the room. The unknown person then grabs her by the hair and moves her closer to the camera and stabs her in the other shoulder, then stabs her in the stomach making her cough up blood. I can't do anything right now but watch.

The killer then does' something that will haunt me for the rest of my life. They then slit her throat and puts his or her face under it. Then the person stands right by the camera and waves. The camera then zooms in on the white mask that is now covered in blood. 

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