Chapter 12

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The cop sirens were so bright in the night sky that you could see it from a mile away. I run up to the house. I push past the police, and everything freezes. I can't speak I can hardly breath. Nathan is in that body bag, dead because of me I left him there. Everything starts to move again but in slow motion. I walk towards the body shaped bag. I hardly notice the police trying to stop me. My mind was so focused on that bag my hand slowly and carefully grabs the zipper but I couldn't physically and emotionally do it. My body was shaking I couldn't do anything I was helpless. I started crying and just fell to the ground and had a complete melt down. I am loosing it. I'm insane. I can't think. I can't speak. I can't do anything. It was as if I had no control any more. The Killer was pulling every string connected to my body. I was his personal puppet. Everyone close to me is going to die and there is nothing i can do to stop it. I then hear some footsteps running up to me.

"Anthony, Look you need to get up" says a familiar voice.

Who ever it is helps me up and when I see who it is I'm shocked. Standing in front of me is Nathan. 

"What, I thought you were dead?" I say bewildered. 

"My mind is going crazy I can't, I won't, Who is?", I think to my self. Everything is just starting to jumble together. 

"Anthony just calm down", Nathan says. 

I ignore him and run straight to the body I don't know how or why I am able to do this but I unzip it and see me laying there. I'm just laying there dead. It's me but its not me its my twin. i almost forgot about him and now he is dead?  

"Anthony they need to see you for questioning" Nathan says. 

I don't listen to him and make a break for the woods. I run as fast as I can. Lucky I'm a athlete and I'm able to run for long periods of time. I run deeper and deeper into the woods. My lungs start to burn but I ignore it. I need to get away from everything I can't even begin to comprehend that this is all happening to me. Then I get a call. Unknown says the caller ID. I answer it.

"You got me were you want me I'm in the woods, come get me you coward!", I say way too calmly. 

"That would be too easy. I want to see you suffer more", the voice says.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I ask the voice.

"Lets just say you hurt somebody, very badly a long time ago and now I want to see you suffer." says the voice angrily. "Hope you can find your way back home wouldn't want anything bad to happen to your friends now would we? Oh look Mia,and Eric are at the house! I can't wait to slice them open!", the voice says excitedly.

 They hang up. Now its just me in a dark forest. I have no idea how to get back either. I hear a stick break and turn around And see the killer wearing the infamous, white, mask. The killer points the knife at me and begins to charge at me. I bolt running through the woods but they are gaining on me. I keep running and then when I look back they are not their. I then decide to keep running after what felt like no time at all I run into to someone. It was Nathan.

"The killer is here we need to get out of here" I say.

With out a word we start to head out of the woods. I quickly catch a glimpse of what looks like a shiny knife in his back pocket, when he puts his phone up but I dismiss that thought and he and I get out of that awful forest. The cops ask me questions which I tell them the truth to all except the point about the killer calling me and stuff like that but other than that I tell them the truth. I walk out of the room and see Nathan waiting for me.

"Hey, I'm sorry for your lost", says Nathan coming up to me. 

Should I even be sad for someone I don't even know. I mean I know he was my brother but I just feel Painless. I just didn't really know him that well but I guess some of me feels remorse about the fact that my only brother is dead because of me. 

"Hello, earth to Anthony", Nathan says. 

"sorry I just was thinking about something", I say.

"Look I am here if you need to talk about anything", He says.

"No it's OK, I'm fine", I say. 

We walk out of the police station and into his car. 

Later that night I hear some noise down stairs so I go down there thinking it was Nathan but it was Mia. 

"Hey", she says.

I don't know why but then I go towards the kitchen knifes. I grab the largest one looking at it as if it were the best work of art ever with out any hesitation I plunge it into Mia's stomach. Blood starts to spill every where. I stab her again. Then again. I keep doing it until I can see her intestines. I thin grab her head and slice her throat letting the blood pour over me like a shower. It felt so warm and just over all good. I then look at the knife covered in blood and see Nathan in the reflection of it.

"What are you doing", he says.

I stab him in the neck over and over again. It felt so good. I finally felt liberated.

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