Chapter 1

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I wake up utterly exhausted. I survey my surroundings. I am in what seems like a hospital. I see the little beeping computer thing that only God knows what it's called and standing right by it middle-aged women with tangled gray hair.

"Mom?" I say weakly.

"Anthony?" she says with a hint of excitement in her voice.

I tell her not to be so excited because if she really cared about me she wouldn't be out drinking and doing heroin with her boyfriend at 10:00 pm. My mom used to be a drug addict and claims that she is drug-free now but I don't believe her, that is one of the reasons my dad left her five years ago.

The nurse comes in and gives me a brief description of what happened to me a few hours ago.

"You are lucky they stabbed you a few inches away from your heart and not directly in the heart." she says, "You should be back home in a few weeks, but you have to take it easy once you get back home." The nurse says with urgency.

I'm okay, I don't care what I need to do, that's not what I'm worried about. I ask her what happened to my girlfriend. She doesn't reply. I shouldn't have asked her that question I already know the answer. I am going to find this sick bastard once I get out of this place. The nurse look at me with pity.

"I'm sorry Anthony." She says and leaves me let my own thoughts take over.

The next day I woke up still in the hospital. I can't really remember much of last night after the nurse left. I took some pain killers and the rest is a blur. A detective comes into the room around 8 pm.

"Hi I'm detective Rowling." He says with a smile.

"Oh, hi." I reply back to him.

"This must be a very traumatic experience for you but I have to ask you some questions if you mind me asking." Rowling says.

"Anything that will help catch this son of a bitch." I say back and then quickly apologized in advance for my any further language.

"I understand," he says casually and proceeded, "Where we're you the moments leading up to Casey Andrews death?" He asks.

"Well, I was in my house until I got a call from her saying that she wanted me over for some reason she wouldn't tell me why so I just decided to go over to her house." I say

"And then what?" he says anxiously.

"When I got to her house I saw the door slightly open and I went to investigate, I called out her name but got no response so I ran up to her room and saw her..." I try to say the word dead but I just simply can't comprehend that she is dead. I have a sudden flashback to when I saw her just laying there with her intestines just hanging out. I then come back and realize that I am getting interrogated by a private investigator.

"I will stop there, I know you are going through a lot and will let you get some rest." He says.

I still start to look at his physical appearance. He is a tall middle-aged man with brown hair and blue eyes. He leaves the room in a hurry and I decide to call it a night and go to bed.

That night I dreamed of the person in the mask. I would lay in my hospital bed unable to move as he slowly creeps out of the shadows and over to my bed. When the killer gets to where I lay they start to cut me up from my legs all the way to my head. I can't even scream

or move.

I wake up screaming and panicking in my bed. I stop screaming when I realize it was just a dream. When the doctor comes in he perscribes me some anxiety and some sleeping pills.

Then the doctor says that I can go back home. I quickly grab my things and get out of my hospital gown and call one of my friends to come pick me up since my mom was too busy with "work." While waiting for my ride a little kid walking with his mom says,

"Look it's the kid from the news."

His mom quickly silenced him and walked right past me. I must be famous in my town. I can see the headlines now Anthony Connors sole survivor of the killer's attack. The car pulls up and I get in.

"Hey." says an unfamiliar voice that send shivers down my spine.

I look right next to me and to my shock, it is the guy in the white mask.

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