Chapter 16

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*Make sure to vote on this chapter and to comment on who you think the killer is!!!!!!

"Someone framed him", I say to him.

"Well he's are only lead", detective Rowling says.

"How could the killer's mask and cloak wind up in your friend's car."

"But he can't be the killer because he was there with me when we saw Mia get murdered by the killer", I tell him.

"He could have also edited the video to make it look like it was live", he says.

I can't think of anything else to tell him so I just shut my lips. Besides they aren't going to be holding him here for that much longer because they won't find any more evidence against him. I know he isn't the killer.

"by the way we are putting you n 24-hour surveillance," says detective Rowling.

"What!" I say.

As soon as I say that a police officer walks into the room. He was slightly bigger than me with blonde hair. Also, something that struck out to me was he didn't look that much older than me.

"This is officer Carter, him and a few other officers will be guarding your house until we find out who killed your friends." he says.

"Please call me Thomas", says officer Carter, while extending his hand out for me to shake.

"I don't need my own personal body guard," I tell them.

"Do I need to remind you that you have been attacked multiple times by someone trying to kill you?" Rowling says.

'Fine, I guess you have a point", I say.

"Good now officer Carter will be watching you until the killer is found", he says.

I'm supposed to find out who the killer is not them. If they find out who it is the worst thing they could probably do is throw the person in prison for the rest of their life. They deserve to die a horrible death and I will be the one to kill him or her.

A few hours later they finally let me out of the police station. Eric was still in there because they still are convinced that he is the killer. Which he can't be, or can he. For all, I know the killer could be one of the friends or even my next door neighbor. I arrive at my/Nathan's house with Thomas following not too far behind me. We walk inside and I show him to the guest bedroom. Luckily Nathan stayed in a big house so there was plenty of bedrooms available if someone every decided to spend the night. Also, Nathan's parents didn't live there because they were rich and once Nathan turned 17 they bought him a house because he wanted to live on his own.

"So, what do you want for dinner?", I ask awkwardly.

"It is okay I already ate something at the station." He replied.

"Okay well, I have to go to bed so goodnight" I lie to him.

I'm so glad they never went through my phone and found all of that text I got from the killer. I then get a video on snapchat that reads, "2 more deaths and you will know who I am".

I only have Nathan, Emily, and Eric left and nobody else is going to die. At least as long as I'm alive. I start to feel very light headed.

"I just need to sit down", I tell myself.

I have been so stressed out lately. I just haven't been able to cope with anything. I then decide to go into Nathan's room and got some vodka. (that I found in there a few days earlier)

I have never really taken pills to help me with things but I just need something that will numb the pain and loss I'm feeling.

"I can't drink", I think to myself.

There is a cop sleeping under the same roof as me but who gives a fuck right? I hate being a teen, I make the most dumbest decisions. I decide to see if he is asleep luckily he is. I take a huge gulp out of the bottle when I notice something weird. It's tasted utterly horrible. I almost threw up at the taste. It tasted as if someone had mixed something other than Vodka into the drink. I quickly put the vodka back into its hiding place.

I look at the time on my phone and see that it is only 9:00. I decide to put some TV on and just try to relax. About an hour later I start to feel really sick and throw up in the bathroom. Then I felt really weird. I looked in the reflection of the mirror and I was dressed up like the killer then the lights went off and I was back to normal. I walk out of the room and see what appears to be bodies on the floor.

I let out a scream when I see Mia, Eric, Emily, Nathan, my mom, and Casey. They just lay there dead. Some still gushing out blood. I run and try to stop the bleeding but there is to many of them. I scream for Thomas to help but no response. Then I get out my phone and dial 911. The operator picks and says "I'm sorry I can't help you", and hangs up.

Then all of the sudden all of the bodies came back to life screaming the same words over and over again.

"Why did you let us die Anthony", they say.

They start saying louder and louder until they start to scream it. They then start to try and corner me. This lasted for what seemed like days. Over and over the same words. I started to loose all sense of reality and for a split second, I thought about ending it all because I thought it would never end. The room started to get really dark. Then all of my friends stopped screaming and it was as if they were told to play dead they dropped to the floor. Then I felt heavy breathing on my shoulder and I slowly turned around to see a person wearing a white mask staring back at me.

I run for the Kitchen and grab a large kitchen knife and run back into the room where they were but there gone now. Then I hear someone say my name and I swing the knife viciously at the source but they dodge it and ends up tackling me on the ground. On top of me was the person in the white mask. I start to freak out and try to hit them knocking their mask right off of their face and revealing the killer's identity. I look up at the face in shock.

"Carter? I can't believe it, all this time you were the killer?", I say.

"Anthony calm down, are you on something," Carter says.

"What?" I say.

All of the sudden, I pass out.

"Anthony wake up", a voice says,

I open my eyes to see that I'm in a hospital.

"What happened?", I ask.

"Well, we found out that you had traces of alcohol and ayahuasca in your system."

*Thanks for reading new chapter will be uploaded this Friday!!!!!! MAKE SURE TO VOTE FOR THIS CHAPTER AND COMMENT ON WHO YOU THINK THE KILLER IS!!!!!! (BTW Ayahuasca is a tropical vine native to the Amazon region, noted for its hallucinogenic properties.)

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