Chapter 4

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I wake up sweaty and shaking. Nathan runs into the room.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah um, I'm fine." I replied.

I get up and look at the alarm clock and it's six o'clock. School starts at 7:30. Today will be my first time back at school in almost two weeks. Nathan agreed to let me stay at his house, since I have no where else to go. My mom dead and my grandparents are half way around the world, I can't think of anywhere else to go. I take off my shirt in front of the mirror and look at the scar on my shoulder. It's a reminder that he or she is still out their waiting for me to make a move. It is like a game of checkers I have to move before they do.

I take a shower and I get my clothes on and head downstairs. I quickly eat a apple and jump into my car to go to school. Nathan then stops me before I can crank up the car.

"You can't drive, not in your state at least." He says.

"Come on that's bullshit, I can drive just as well as you can, and plus I have been getting a lot of sleep lately and I haven't had a hallucination in like a week. I think I can drive." I say firmly. He just looks at me and after what seemed like hours arguing I just drive off.

When I see the Bentonville high school sign I feel right at home. I am usually a straight A person but since I was gone for two weeks my grades might suffer for a bit and might have to take sometime off of track with my shoulder and all. I park my car and walk straight into the main entrance to the school. Bad idea. Everyone stares at me as soon ass I walk into the front doors. It was like being a celebrity in public, except instead of autographs people are whispering about you. I walk outside where my friends are.

As soon as I get their Emily greets me with a hug. "Hey, I didn't think you would come back at school." She says.

"Well I think this will help me get my mind out of things." I replied.

I look around at the rest of my friends. You have Eric who is the star quarterback for the school. Who is like the typical jock you would see in a movie. He has short black hair and brown eyes. Then Emily who has long brown hair and hazel eyes. She is really nice and a very outgoing person. She would be the one that if you were siting by yourself at lunch, come up to you and ask if you wanted to sit with us. Last but not least you have Mia. Now Mia is one of those girls that has probably slept with the whole senior class of 2016, but once you get to know her you can start looking past her scandolis outfits and see the real Mia.

"Hey dude, I heard you got stabbed. Is that true?" Says Eric. I tell him yeah and tell them I don't really want to talk about it. Everyone seems to be quite after that.

" I know that you and Casey where very close and we are all very sad that she died, so tomorrow after the funeral we plan on eating at Olive Gardens in her memory." She says with a sadness in her voice.

"That sounds very good, I mean that was her favorite place to eat." I say. My eyes start to water but I blink it away and I am able to stop myself.

The rest of the day went by very fast. Maybe because I am dreading for the end of the day. I don't know how I am going to be able to speak in front of everyone without crying. At the end of the day I get a call and as soon as I hear the voice. Rage takes over me.

"I know you want to find out who I am so I will give you a clue come to the Nursery on Folsom St tonight at midnight alone and you will receive your clue, don't and I will kill one of your friends." They say.

He or she hangs up quickly before I can say anything else. I know it might be a trap but I can't let one of my friends die because of me. I then get a text message that says "THE GAME STARTS NOW" with a picture of my friends and I with a big red x on Casey's face underneath. I will kill this person before he hurts anyone else.

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