Chapter 17

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*Make sure to vote on this chapter and to comment on who you think the killer is!!!!!!

I look up and see detective Rowling and a doctor standing by the end of the bed.

"What's ayahuasca?" I ask the doctor.

"It's a drug that makes you hallucinate," he says.

"That's funny I don't remember doing anything other than taking a sip of vodka. Unless somebody must have drugged me but who. This has to be the work of the killer. How did they get into the house the only two people that I remember being there were Officer Carters and I. Unless he drugged me. Someone have to keep a close eye on him because all I am saying is that it would be clever for the killer to be a police officer because nobody would expect it!" I say.

"You're just being paranoid, calm down even if he was the killer why wouldn't he try to kill you when you two had the house all to yourself?" the detective says. 

"I don't know, to be honest, but the killer has had multiple chances to try to kill me and they never do they just end up hurting me either physically or mentally," I say.

"Look just try to get some rest. We already have an officer questioning him," he says.

I look up at the doctor and ask him how long I have to stay here.

"Well, you seem in pretty good shape. We will have you out of here by tomorrow," he says. 

"Okay," I reply. 

They walk out of the room leaving me alone in a dark hospital room. Then I realize something. I wonder if this is the same hospital where they have Emily and Nathan. I don't even know if they are alive are dead. I pause after thinking about the word dead. No thy are not dead. Nobody else is going to die at least as long as I am alive. Now how am I going to sneak out of this room? I look around the room and see my clothes folded neatly on a chair across the room from me. I start to get up but as soon as I do I start to fell a little bit dizzy. I manage to get the dizziness to stop and I start to head towards my clothes. I slip them on with no trouble when I see a note laying on the ground. I pick it up and turn on a light so I can read it. It read:

"The game isn't over until all of your friends are dead"

On the bottom of the note, it said 

"From The Killer"

All of the lights in the room went out. I then feel a cold chill run up my spine. I quickly put the note in my pocket.  I try to find my phone in the darkness to turn on a flashlight. I start bumping into a lot of things but finally manage to find it sitting on what appears to be a counter. Then I hear heavy breathing from behind me. I know it is either on of two things, One it could be the killer, or it could be another patient in my room. I turn around slowly and shine my light towards. At first, I don't see anything. I slowly and carefully walk towards the sound. I bump into something then someone wakes up and says,

"Who is there? Doctor is that you?"

"Sorry, sir I didn't know there was another patient staying in the same room as me," I say.

As soon as I say that the man falls into a deep sleep.

"That was a close call," I think to myself.

I walk towards the door. I put my hand on the cool door handle and turn it. As soon as I step outside I see that all the lights are out in the hospital. I look down the pitch black hallway just imagining who or what is looking back at me. A horrible thought goes through my mind. 

"What if the killer is using this as a distraction to kill the rest of my friends if they are here at the hospital!!!" I think to myself.

Maybe the power just went out. As if on cue the power turns back on. I start towards the elevator. When I get in I press floor 1. After what seems like no time at all it in front of the receptionist desk. 

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