Chapter 10

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*Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I  will start updating more frequently so please before you forget to, vote for this chapter and when you are finished reading this chapter tell me what you think!Also sorry that this chapter is really short*

I duck and try to run away from the source of the sound. I start to hyperventilate and Emily calms me down.   "It's just a firecracker, Anthony," she says. "I almost forgot it was Senior prank day," Nathan says. I slow my breathing down and slowly start to calm down. I tell my friends I'm fine and start walking to the parking lot. "What are you doing," Emily says trying to catch up to me. "II'mgetting out of here I'm sure my teachers will understand. 

My phone then goes off and I don't know what I should do when I see that word UNKNOWN. I open it and put whoever it is on speaker. "Hey Anthony and Emily I have a little surprise for you Emily check your text I sent you", says the ominous voice. Emily checks the text and we see Mia tied up with her bathing suit on with bruises all over her body.   

"Don't hurt her," I say. "Well first you will have to find her," the voice says. They then hang up. Emily receives another text that says ,"You will find the answers where the first death began". "What does that mean," I say. "You don't get it, it means we have to go to Cassie's house,"she says. "You mean me, I'm not letting anyone else die I'm going by myself," I say. Then we get another text warning us about what will happen if we call the cops"No cops or Mia dies". "We have to go now," Emily says. We drive over to Cassie's house. Her parents weren't home so we just opened the front door. "Why was it not locked," Says Emily. "I dunno," I say back. I run up to her old bedroom and start having flashbacks about what happened there. "Look you don't have to go in there," Emily says. I ignore her and start searching around her room for anything that the killer could have left. I then see it a CD that says," THE LAST PERSON CASSIE SAW". So we put it in her old computer and play it. It's showed Cassie's house and what looked like Mia walking up to it. we noticed the time stamp on the video was the same night Cassie died. Whoever is videotaping it follows Mia into the house. She goes upstairs and then walks to Cassie's room. Cassie is texting on the phone when Mia jumps out and scares her. "Oh shit!!," she yells. "I should have never given you spare keys to the house," she says. " Who are you texting", Mia says. "Just Antony since my parents are out of town I'm going to invite him over," she replies. Then there was a loud creak in the floor and whoever was holding the camera hid in a nearby room. Then it went black. "Mia was the last person to see Cassie alive," Emily says. Then the video flashes a picture of what looks like an abandoned water park. Emily looks at me and we know exactly where to go.

We jump in the car and start driving there. When after what seems like hours we arrive there. The reason why we knew where this was is because a few years ago we used to come here all the time but 2 years ago they shut down the place for an unknown reason. We walk up to a chain link fence and climb up it. When we get over we turn on our flashlights. We see all of the twisty slides and one that Mia loved to ride all of the time. It was really high up in the air and it drops you straight down. "That's where she must be, at the top of that waterslide," I say. I turn around and notice that's Emily isn't their. I get a call that says UNKNOWN and answer it. "Now you have to decide good girl or bad girl you have 5 mins,". 

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