Chapter 3

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I am so angry that my heart feels like it is going to explode out my chest. I am pacing in the middle of the street.

Why is this happening to me?

Out of everybody in the world it is happening to me?

"What the fuck!" I say out loud, "Two people have died and I haven't done jack shit, I am going to kill this motherfucker before he hurts anyone else." I scream.

All of the cops that surround my house look at me like I'm insane. Nathan looks at me with pity and worry. Maybe I am insane, screaming in the middle of the street, everybody looking and staring at me. I am probably already on a Snapchat story at this very moment. Nathan walks up to me and tries to get me to calm down.

"You need to calm down the whole neighborhood can hear you." he said calmly.

"Right, yeah." I reply.

Then I do something without thinking. I run. Where to? Somewhere none can hear or see me. The pain in my shoulder hurts but I continue running to the woods. I can hear Nathan shouting after. I know this is probably a bad idea but I need to clear my mind. After what seems to be an eternity, I arrive in the middle of a dark, and ominous forest. I am surprised that the cops haven't showed up yet to come get me. I get a phone call. I know I probably shouldn't answer it but I do it anyway. I picked it up and said hello.

"Hello Anthony." Said in a deep voice.

I didn't even think before I spoke.

"Hello asshole." I said.

"Now is that a nice way to talk to someone who just did you a favor." They said with a chuckle.

"You didn't do me a favor you asshole." I say clenching my fist.

"So killing your sorry ass mother wasn't a favor?" They ask.

I don't even know what to say about that. She was a horrible mother but she was my only mother.

"I also got your friend what was his name, oh yeah Nathan." They say.

Something snaps inside of me. I drop my phone on the cool forest ground and bolt for my house. When I get them there are multiple bodies of police officers on the ground. Dead. How are you supposed to feel safe when the only people left to protect you are dead...

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