VII-The Door to Enchantasia

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Matthew slashed his Slayer and finished off some Aswangs, but more of them just kept coming. "I don't believe this," he complained.  

Then suddenly the aswangs turned into their humanoid form with sharp claws and canine fangs. Matthew thought they would attack him, but to his suprise they stood aside facing the other way. Then he felt the ground shook, and saw riples form on the watery street. The vibration Matthew felt went closer and closer to him. And out of the shadows it revealed, a ten feet humanoid giant. It has large teeth which are always showing, and its upper lip covers it's face when it is thrown back. Two long tusks project from the sides of its mouth. And it only has one eye, at the center of its forehead. It smiled at him.  

"You've got to be kidding me," Matthew muttered. 

Emil joined him, and saw the giant. "A Bungisngis!" he said.  

"A WHAT!?" Matthew screeched.  

"It's a one eyed giant that lives north of this region." Emil explained. "Be careful. Its one eye doesn't make it a looser. You might get caught by its strong sense of hearing." he added.  

"How do you know such things?" Matthew asked, keeping his stance.  

"I'll tell you later." Emil answered. "Right now we have bitter odds to take care of."  

As the giant closes in, the group of Aswangs lunges first.  

"I'll take laughing boy." Matthew chose the giant.  

"Alright, I'll leave it to you then. Love to see how you handle that chap..." Emil agreed. "Dogs meat are fine with me." and he closed in.  

Emil charged and started slaying some aswangs, using his Reaper. The humanoid form Aswangs, dissintegrated after being slain by his maligno killing weapon.  

Meanwhile, Matthew confronted the Bungisngis. "First time for everything." Matthew said to himself.  

The giant laughed and gave a horrible smile. "Me sure you afraid. Me hungry." it giggled. Then the Bungisngis pulled a metallic signpost to use as its weapon. "Me whack you with this. You make good dinner." the giant said smiling, showing its teeth, then it charged towards Matthew.  

"O' yeah big boy! Then I'll take you on with this toothpick." reffering to his Slayer, then Matthew charged head on.  

Matthew was about to attack, but the giant made the first strike as it whacked the street with a metal sign post. Matthew evaded the attack, he jumped and rolled to his left. The giant's strike made a large crack on the concrete road, and partly crushed it with its unnusual strength. "Strike one!" Matthew said. 

And quickly the giant made a second strike to the left that almost hit Matthew's head, but too managed to evade. "Whoops! Strike two! One more and you loose big guy." he seconded.  

"Me not miss this time." the giant giggled.  

The giant smiled and made the third strike by giving multiple attacks. Matthew had a hard time evading the giant's attack. He jumped and rolled, and rolled and jumped. Sideways, rolling under the giant's feet.  

"HEY! You almost got me, you meathead!" Matthew complained while evading.  

"Grahh!" the giant grunted. "Me hungry! Me want human flesh for dinner!" then it continued.  

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