XVI-Lihangin's New Legacy

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"The nest must be on top, we must hurry," Scarlet said. "the boys might need our help."

Scarlet and Adele climbed up the floating mountain to help, giving all the effort. Matthew's words kept coming back on their minds.

If he dies, I won't let him die alone.

Scarlet realized something. "Maybe we were wrong about him,"

"Him who? Matthew?" Adele asks. "Maybe... I guess..."

"Maybe it's time to put the past behind us and move on." Scarlet concludes.

Adele stopped. "If we weren't such jerks, we wouldn't be in such a mess." she said.

Scarlet looked at her and moved ahead. "No use regretting, we need to keep moving." Scarlet and Adele hurried climbing up.

Meanwhile, Burohka touched Emil's forehead while unconcious inside the nest. Her hand glowed as Emil groaned and went silent again.

"What did you just do to him?" Matthew said angrily moving forward. Darmo held him back

Burohka smiles, "Interesting skills,"

Darmo was familiar on what Burohka did, "Skill absorb," he said. "This is not good,"

Matthew gripped his Slayer. "What did you just do, you witch?"

Burohka's wound on her belly and cuts on her back heals rapidly as it closes. She turned and picked up Emil's necklace from the ground. "Looks like this is gonna be an interesting fight."

Emil's chained necklace changed into Reaper's scythe mode in Burohka's hand.

Matthew was surprised. "What the..."

"I thought so," Darmo said. "Be careful Matthew, this is not gonna be easy."

Matthew looked at him. "Why, what's going on?"

"Burohka absorbed your cousin's strength." Darmo answered. "And not only that, she even had his skills."

Matthew prepares himself, "So it won't be just fighting Burohka... We're also going to fight Emil."

"Smart boy," Burohka said, then she laughed meniacly. Burohka moved first using her incredible speed. She dashes quickly and moves again leaving an afterimage to confuse her opponents.

Definitely Emil's techniques, but Matthew couldn't be fooled by such tricks. "I can sense you," he attacks her and gave a fatal blow.

"What!? How?" the witch said.

Burohka used Reaper to block his attack and countered a quick swing with the scythe. Matthew jumped to dodge.

"Maybe you can fool us with Emil's illusions, but you can't hide the fact that you stink." he said.

Burohka got agitated and gave another stike. "...smell this you worm!"

Matthew manages to block her attack with his Slayer and jabbs a forward kick to stun her. Darmo strucked second, and used the opening to disarm her but, Burohka anticipated his move and quickly blocked the attack.

Darmo moved quickly and gave his follow up strike still, Burohka manages to block it.

"What the..."

Children of the Ancients:   The Seed of LisugaWhere stories live. Discover now