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Fourteen years passed, and the jolly school youths "hoorayed" as the school bell rings, as sign of dismissal time at Stella Maris Academy. A good looking boy walked out with three of his classmates from the school gates. They were all Sophomores in high school. 

The boy was fourteen years of age, at least 5'8 tall. Shiny black hair, a bit skinny, fair complexion with redish lips and gray eyes. almost every girl in their campus likes him for his good looks. Even the seniors and the junior ladies adored him. 

"Dude, it's weekend tomorrow." a boy said. "You got any plans?" 

"Yeah Chapman, we're planning to go surfing this sunday, you wanna' come?" another boy said. "And foods are on me," 

"Sounds tempting," the boy smiled. "Yeah... I... guess I could come." he said with hesitation. He just remembered they have tons of homework. He may be quite popular, but he needs to keep his grades up. He better do homework first, he thought.  

Inside the gates of Sun City, where he always walked alone for home, he saw three boys about a year older than his age, stood on a distance in front of him, at a vacant part of the village. He knew the boys, and to him they only mean one thing... They mean trouble. 

"Hey pale face!" a boy shouted. 

"What time is it!?" another one shouts. 

The boy knows what time it is. It's time for him to run. It always happen to him everytime he head for home. He ran and ran and ran, as fast as he could, but the trio of bullies were faster than him. One of them managed to gain on him and grabbed his collar. 


And the chase ended. The boy held him so tight he couldn't budge himself out. He tried twisting the bully's arm, but it would seem that the bully boy was strong as an ox. The bully finally got hold two of his arms. "Let go of me Jolo... let me go!" the boy said while struggling. 

Jolo was one of the residents of their village including the other two. He looked chunky and always wore denim shorts, red sneakers, printed white t-shirt and ties his handkerchief above his forehead making him look like a rap artist. 

"Thought you could get away with us this time?" Jolo said in a mean tone. 

The other one caught up. "Well lookie here..." another boy said. 

He was good looking guy who had a Emo hair style, wears black trousers, thick sandals and likes keeping his shirt hanging on his shoulder trying to look like a half naked macho man, with a firm body built that suited him well. 

The other bully stood in front of him. "Aw, what's the matter pale face? Hoping your goodie cousin will come saving you this time?" he said. 

"Shut up Ronnie!" The bullied boy retorted. "You're not so tough without your friends around." 

The bully named Ronnie got pissed off. "I'd better let you wear a black eye." Ronnie clenched his fist. 

"Do it then... You can't even punch your way out of a paperbag," the bullied boy said taunting. 

Ronnie got agitated, but managed to hold his temper. 

"Playing tough huh..." another boy entered. 

The bullied boy looked at him. "The big cheese or the big jeez," he smiles while struggling to break free. His name was Dylan Delgado, a teenager who only lived next to the Evan's house. His black hair was highlighted blonde that looked good along with his fair complexion. He was once his close friend until for some reason, Dylan has changed suddenly and made new friends. Bad ones to be exact. Since then he's always picking on his old friend. 

Children of the Ancients:   The Seed of LisugaWhere stories live. Discover now